By Robbie

is headed for the final frontier, according to director Michael Bay. When asked
by The Los Angeles Times recently
if the new story will involve a departure from Earth, Bay replied: “I
think so, yeah, a little... That feels like the way to go, doesn’t it? I want to
go a little
off [Earth] but I don’t want to go too sci-fi. I still want
to keep it grounded. That’s what works in these movies, that’s what makes it
Exactly, because if the Transformers franchise goes too far
off-planet then it might stretch credulity. It could even risk tarnishing the gritty
documentary realism Bay worked so hard to create in the first three movies. The
otherwise sober notion of giant transforming alien robots might even start to
seem... silly?
told the LA Times that his next Transformers movie (which will be
his last) will not be a reboot, as rumours had suggested, but will nevertheless
veer off in new directions and feature a new cast. Some of the
Transformers themselves will also be redesigned (allowing for a new line of
Hasbro toys).
“It’s not a reboot,
that’s maybe the wrong word,” Bay said. “I don’t want to say reboot because then
people will think we’re doing a Spider-Man and starting from the beginning.
We’re not. We’re taking the story that you’ve seen — the story we’ve told in
three movies already — and we’re taking it in a new direction. But we’re leaving
those three as the history. It all still counts.”
Transformers 4 is currently without a script. It does have a release date, though: 29
June, 2014.
The Story So Far