Friday, 3 June 2016

Mac's UFO News - Series 4

Mr Robert D Miles - Producer of Fastwalkers and UFO Chronicles (Mac's UFO News / Season 4 Episode 3) 
Published on 1 Jun 2016

Robert D Miles - Live Interview
Mr Miles Is a Filmmaker, Screenwriter and Author and probably best know for producing the U.F.O. Chronicles and Fastwalkers series. Robert has also produced numerous films for television, full-length feature films and documentaries, and hundreds of television commercials, many of which he wrote and directed. Mr. Miles has also authored several excellent books such as Safespace and Lycandroids and more recently moved into publishing.


Mac's UFO News - February 2016 (Season 4 Episode 2) 
Published on 1 Mar 2016

This month on Mac's UFO News: Steve Johnson UFO and Sci Fi Author / The 2016 International UFO Congress / Mr Stanton Friedman / The UFO Truth Magazine / Police Officers view massive craft / Manchester UFO Hot Spot / UFO Sightings for February 2016 / The Phoenix Incident / UFO's In The News / David Duchovny does not believe / Astronaut's having fun.

Mac's UFO News - January 2016 (Season 4 Episode 1) 
Published on 29 Jan 2016

This month on Mac's UFO News: Mr. Philip Mantle, The Flying Disk Press and UFO's Over Poland / Element 115 / British Astronaut Tim Peake on life in our Solar System / Hillary Clinton on UFO Disclosure / The 4th UFO Truth Magazine International Conference / Mr. Gary Heseltine appeals to serving and retired British Police Officers / UFO Sightings for January / Independence Day 2 and a cast sneak peak + Global release dates / Jason Mcclellan, Rogue Planet and UFO Modpod / UFO's In the news.

UFO Lecture - Robert Orel Dean (Cosmic Top Secret) Season 4 Special Edition
Published on 11 Feb 2016

Robert Orel Dean retired from the U.S. Army as a Command Sergeant Major with "cosmic top secret" clearance after a 28-year career. He has appeared on radio programs, TV documentaries and at conferences discussing the subject of UFOs and the government cover up of alien visitations to Earth. Dean claims to have viewed a classified government document called "The Assessment" that allegedly discussed threats posed by alien activity on Earth.