Sunday, 11 March 2012
Photojournalist Films Flying Saucer UFO, Report from Columbian News – Video
Mystery of two thousand dead fish with the burned scales after
unidentified flying object lands on marsh
[Photo-Image: Barrancabermeja Columbia 'Flying Saucer' shaped UFO]
Video news report from Columbia of a flying saucer shaped UFO-OVNI photo by photojournalist Edgar Malagon working on a documentary in the ‘oil city’ of Barrancabermeja located in northeastern Columbia. Since we’re not fluent in Spanish we were unable to ascertain the date the photo or photos were taken. According to the Google translation of the video info, Malagon ‘captured images of two UFOs going at a high speed’ in the vicinity of Barrancabermeja. In January of 2011, the mystery of two thousand dead fish with the burned scales after an unidentified flying object, according to witnesses, landed on the water.
Video Info, Google translation:
Uploaded by JOSS7812 on Mar 10, 2012
The photojournalist, Edgar Malagon, a photojournalist for the mayor of Barrancabermeja, said that while on a photography work for a documentary on the oil city of Colombia, his camera captured images of two UFOs that were in the vicinity of the oil complex .
He argued that the two UFOs very perfect oval, going at high speed and ran over him at a distance no greater than one kilometer
Source: Caracol News
“Barrancabermeja is a city and municipality in Santander Department, in northeastern Colombia. It is located on the banks of the Magdalena River in the Middle Magdalena region, 110 km west of Bucaramanga. Founded in 1536, Barrancabermeja is home of the biggest petroleum refinery in Colombia, which is owned by the state company Ecopetrol. Petroleum farming and services comprise most of city’s economic activity.”Two thousand fish killed in Colombia and attribute it to a UFO video
Video info, Google translation:
Residents of a town in northeastern Colombia say about 2,000 fish have been found dead last week after a strange object flying and flashing light was seen for a few seconds on a marsh in the region.
The case occurred in the village of El Llanito, in the jurisdiction of the city of Barrancabermeja, where several locals last Friday in the sky observed a flying object.
Shortly after dead fish began to float in the swamp, but unlike other similar cases attributed to lack of oxygen, this time the inhabitants of El Llanito struck them all with burns on the scales.
According to Magaly Gutiérrez, leader of a community organization, the phenomenon lasted about 20 seconds and was seen by many people.
UFO Captured on Video in Netherlands
Originally uploaded by NLvanBoven on Feb 1, 2012
On October 23, 2011, a helicopter of the Netherlands VPRO program filmed an unknown object over the Wadden Sea. What the object is we do not know.
The object was filmed between Harlingen and Terschelling, looking to the southwest.
On October 23, 2011, a helicopter of the Netherlands VPRO program filmed an unknown object over the Wadden Sea. What the object is we do not know.
The object was filmed between Harlingen and Terschelling, looking to the southwest.
UFOs Invade California -- Unless They're Planes Or Balloons (VIDEO)
By Lee Speigel
Unusual things in the California skies -- daytime and nighttime -- have people asking whether UFOs are responsible for what seems like extra air traffic.
Writing in the Laguna Niguel Patch, Debbie Sklar wondered if the town is being visited by space aliens as she looked into recent UFO sightings in the southern portion of the Golden State. After hearing about the recent spate of unusual UFO reports in Laguna Niguel, Sklar said, "I am looking up at the sky a whole lot differently once evening rolls around."
Further north, the city of Fresno offers its own UFO encounters in the form of many video images taken by Robert Thorson. Since 2006, Thorson estimated he has videotaped around 200 strange objects and lights in the sky.
"I started watching the stars a couple hours a night and began to notice some things were flying around. I didn't know what they were -- shooting stars or satellites -- but they seemed to be moving closer and getting brighter," Thorson told The Huffington Post.
Now, before your "Warning! Warning! Hoax! Hoax!" signals go off -- and they probably should at this point -- it's important to know that Thorson is physically disabled, which allows him to spend a great deal of time watching the sky, day and night, with camera always ready.
And he's a regular skywatcher for Sanger Paranormal Society, a group that investigates paranormal claims in the Fresno area.
"One of the reasons why some people don't take Robert seriously is because they think his stuff is either computer-generated or Photoshopped, but all he knows how to do technically is to load the video from his camera to YouTube," said Sanger Paranormal Society founder Jeffrey Gonzalez. "Some people think it's all nonsense and must be a hoax. These armchair quarterback debunkers thrash him because they can't see how a guy like this is videotaping so many things."
On March 1, Thorson said he videotaped an airborne object over his tree-lined Fresno neighborhood:
"I saw this reddish-colored object above the houses. I thought it might be a helicopter, so I grabbed my camera while the object seemed to be raising up, going higher," Thorson said. "There were a couple times where it got really bright. It's hard to estimate how high it was, but it looked like a glowing saucer. I can normally hear high-flying jets going by most of the time, but this thing didn't make any noise."
Thorson added that he could see some kind of material streaking out of the back of the object, before the whole thing disappeared.
With so many videos posted by Thorson on YouTube under the name of "kingufokid," HuffPost called on the services of Marc Dantonio -- whose company FX Models creates special devices for the U.S. Navy, Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- to look at some of Thorson's videos starting with the March 1 object.
"It has all the hallmarks of a rocket launch," Dantonio said. "The bright exhaust plume, and as it was going through the atmosphere, you would see it illuminate stuff as it passed through, just like a launch. Vandenberg Air Force base does night launches all the time."
The next video Dantonio looked at, from February 2011, shows a daytime silver-colored object high in the sky near clouds that seems to morph from one shape to another:
"Whenever someone says they see an object that appears to morph, that means it's moving in a way that people can't tell it's tumbling," Dantonio explained.
"A ship under intelligent control probably isn't tumbling. I think this looks like two mylar balloons that are tied together very closely and are moving at a speed consistent with balloons and catch the light like balloons."
Continuing our Fresno UFO hit parade, a video captured by Thorson in September 2009 shows a group of twinkling lights that change position:
"The key here is that you have to look at the speed at which these are moving," Dantonio said. "Could UFOs just sit and hover lazily through the sky? Sure, but to me, these were moving all over the place, were seen from a long distance and were flashing at a rate consistent with LED flasher balloons that you can buy on Amazon. They just sort of float along and get farther and farther away."
And our final Thorson video sample, from November 2010, shows a "typical" triangular-shaped object:
"Honestly, that was just an aircraft," said Dantonio. "If you look at the lights carefully, the green light changes relative to the other two. What you're seeing is the running light on the wing tip of the plane, sticking out toward the camera. It's actually moving across the sky in exactly the way that you would see a plane at night if all you could see was the lights. This is FAA-mandated lighting."
Whew! And how does Dantonio address the issue where Thorson and other eyewitnesses often report not hearing any sound made by the objects they think are UFOs?
"Many times, if they're jets, for instance, you won't hear the sound until maybe four minutes after it's gone, because it takes time for the sound to come rolling across the landscape and make it to your ears. If it's a light plane with smaller motors, you might never hear it."
Dantonio, who looks at every UFO picture and video with a critical eye, isn't suggesting Thorson is faking his videos.
"I don't think the guy is anything but genuine and is just not informed about some phenomena, and I'd be happy to help him figure out what these things are," Dantonio said. "These skywatchers are invaluable and the people who will be on the front line of discovery are the people who are out there watching, not those who are driving in their cars. People like him are going to be the ones who eventually see a real UFO."
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