Friday, 16 May 2014

UFO Landings

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed, or it's occupants were witnessed. There are hundreds of credible reports, many with multiple witnesses, of humanoids in association with landed spacecraft.

Articles & documents

Are There Too Many Landings?

Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway

One of the cornerstones of both the Paranormal Hypothesis (PNH) and the Control System Hypothesis (CSH) is the contention by Vallee in several references that "there are too many landings".

The Magonia Catalog: Complete 1868-1968

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 1: July 1868 - December 1951

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 10: April 21st 1967 - November 22nd 1968

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 2: December 1951 - October 2nd 1954

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 3: October 3rd 1954 - October 18th 1954

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 4: October 19th 1954 - August 25th 1955

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 5: September 16th 1955 - January 26th 1958

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 6: February 2nd 1958 - November 1962

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 7: December 09th 1962 - April 8th 1965

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 8: April 23rd 1965 - March 28th 1966

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

The Magonia Catalog: Part 9: March 30th 1966 - April 16th 1967

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed.

UFO Landing at Socorro, New Mexico (Zamora Incident)

One of the better documented cases of a UFO landing, and leaving evidence of landing occurred in Socorro, New Mexico on April 24th, 1964. Dr. J. Allen Hynek called it "one of the classics of UFO literature." 

Websites & organizations

Map: UFO Landings & Traces: Europe

Larry Hatch, U UFO Database

UFO sightings on this map are restricted to Landings and Trace Cases in Europe for all dates. For once, France does not dominate the map entirely. Italy and England register about an equal density of landings and traces; Spain and Portugal nearly so.

Map: UFO Landings & Traces: North America

Larry Hatch, U UFO Database

UFO sightings on this map are restricted to Landings and Trace Cases in North America for all dates. "Landings" are defined as actual touchdowns, or cases where the UFO came within a few feet of the ground or water. Physical Traces are just that, marks, burns and other notable effects on soil, plants, animals, structures ..

The Magonia Catalog: A Century of UFO Landings (1868-1968)

Jacques Vallee

The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." This catalog of hundreds of cases and reports lists UFO reports where a UFO has landed, or it's occupants were witnessed.

Spacing Out! Ep. 73 - TV crew accidentally films UFOs in New Zealand

Published on 16 May 2014 by Open Minds Production
An Australian TV production crew accidentally filmed two UFOs in New Zealand. That and other UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!

Main Stream Media Coverage Of UFO's On The Increase


Published on 10 May 2014 by AlienPeace1 - There is GOOD out there

UFOs have been appearing in our skies for thousands of years. But now something new is happening. Orbs of light in a triangle formation are repeatedly appearing over major cities all over the world.
Because they always make the triangle, it is clear they are intelligently controlled, and not any sort of freely floating objects such as balloons, flares, or Chinese lanterns.
So if these orbs of light are in fact extra-terrestrial, why are they appearing above our major population centers? If they were merely observing us for scientific reasons, then surely they could do so without us seeing them. Yet they repeatedly appear as huge, bright lights in a clear triangle formation.
It seems as if they want us to see them. It seems as though they are trying to wake us up to the fact that we are not alone in the Universe. And perhaps this is their way of initiating contact.
But if they want to make us aware that we are not alone, and make contact with us, then why don't they just land?
Well, what would happen if a giant spaceship suddenly landed on the White House lawn? How would we react to that? How would the military react? How would the media react?
Bright lights in the sky are very non-threatening. And it isn't immediately obvious what they are. In takes some figuring out. And in the process of figuring it out, we have time to absorb the reality of it. We have time to process the shock and fear.
They are initiating contact, but in a way that doesn't shock and terrify us. These beings clearly understand our psychology very well, and are showing great sensitivity to our emotions. They know what they are doing.
Right now at this time, they are observing how we are reacting. They are waiting for us to figure it out. And waiting to see if and how we respond to them.

UFO caught on I.S.S. live stream camera

Published on 15 May 2014 by Puerto Rico UFOs
Las imágenes de vídeo de la cámara en vivo de la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS) muestra lo que parece ser un enorme OVNI en forma de cigarro flotando cerca de la estación espacial el 13 de mayo de 2014.

Bing translation:

Images live from the international space station (ISS) camera video shows what appears to be a huge UFO in the form of cigar floating close to the space station on May 13, 2014.

UFO crossing over buildings Mexico City

Published on 15 May 2014 by jmhz71
OVNI Sobre Edificios en MEXICO DF Edit 14/05/2014
Bing translation: UFO over buildings in MEXICO city Edit 14/05/2014