Sunday, 10 August 2014

The British UFO Hunters Skywatch - 23rd August 2014

By Mac

The British UFO Hunters group will be conducting a SkyWatch on Saturday 23 August (bank holiday weekend). If you are interested in attending, the group are meeting on cradle hill at 7pm or pre drinks in the Organ Inn at 6pm.
The British UFO Hunters conduct many digital night vision skywatching events In and around the Wessex triangle. 
The British UFO hunters was set up by Russ Kellett, and are a group of UFO investigators and researchers.  B.U.F.O.H. conducts unbiased scientific research in to the UFO sightings ,abduction and related phenomena.
B.U.F.O.H. strives to maintain a rigorous standard of scientific detachment to the investigation of UFO’s and related phenomena and can call on the services of experts in image enhancement and analysis and forensic analysis etc. who work alongside B.U.F.O.H. Instigators where such expertise is beyond their own competence.

The British UFO Hunters Group 

B.U.F.O.H. is committed to sharing information with the media and other organizations, as long as the commitment is mutual as they have previously wasted a lot of administrative resources answering requests for information from people who have later proven to be unreliable.
B.U.F.O.H. is committed to maintaining a high standard of professional behaviour from its members and has developed a code of ethics and behaviour to which all B.U.F.O.H. members must adhere.
B.U.F.O.H. is committed to protecting the identities of witnesses unless they have their specific permission to disclose their details in any of their reports or publications.
British UFO hunters membership is by invitation only.

For further details please contact the groups Facebook page:

Or visit their website at: