By Tom Rose
A silver orb
UFO was spotted by a fisherman in Karnak, Illinois, as he was looking for the
perfect fishing hole.
The object
hovered just long enough for him to get this photo before it zoomed away at what
he claims was "a thousand miles an hour."
The video was
posted to YouTube by the paranormal investigation channel AlienInformation which normally uploads raw video.

But this
incident is being reported more in the M.U.F.O.N. style of investigation, with
the witness appearing on camera and just a still photo to show as evidence.
unidentified flying object is of the now familiar silver orb UFO type which just seems to hover silently, with no
flashing lights or identifiable markings, no wings, engines or propellers and
obviously not a bird or a weather balloon.
Because there
is no video, it's difficult to dispute the story of the fisherman, who clearly
believes he saw something strange.
By only being
able to take the one photo, it's possible the object zoomed away before he was
able to get another shot. So, what is
it? Here's the