Monday 23 January 2012

UFO cluster hovers over Harlem in New York

Date of sighting: January 12, 2012
Location of sighting: Harlem, New York, USA

"The video shows a fleet of orbs was seen over New York this week and was recorded by many eyewitnesses. The fact that so many videos of the incident exist rules out CGI. These glowing orbs have been seen around the world. Have a look below.

"I actually saw this near Taipei 101 (Taiwan) on New Years minute but they were too far away to show up on my phone camera. They look the same to me, and I watched them (recording), there were about 20-30 and they disappeared after 3 minutes. I recorded me hitting two of them with my green laser... two seconds after each hit...the UFO flashed a white light...very odd. Sadly...the UFOs were to far away to make out in the video.

Similar UFO clusters has been seen around the world. Last week a similar cluster was over Arizona and Brazil."