Thursday 22 October 2020

People Want to See Kristen Welker Ask Trump and Biden About UFOs During Thursday's Debate


2020 has been a shocking year, to say the least, so is it really unrealistic that the topic of UFOs could surface at the next presidential debate? Believe it or not, some Americans want to see President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden address the topic of national security in a totally new way on Thursday night.

Bryce Zabel, writer and producer of NBC's Dark Skies, published a Medium article on Monday that questions if debate moderator and NBC reporter Kristen Welker could bring up the topic of UFOs during the final presidential debate before the 2020 election.

The post by Zabel references a few current events in which the Department of Defense acknowledged three legitimate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) videos, which were filmed by the United States Navy. A press release from the Department of Defense confirmed the videos' existence in April.

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the first presidential debate against former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at the Health Education Campus of Case Western Reserve University on September 29, 2020, in Cleveland, Ohio.


In citing other reports of the American government investigating similar unexplained encounters, Zabel poses a possible question for Welker to ask at Thursday's event. "Given all of this, and the continuing worldwide sightings by other nation's militaries, plus a significant 70-plus year history of sightings by credible witnesses, what will be your Administration's policy toward this issue, particularly military encounters, and will you guarantee to provide the American people with a transparent review of the information without resorting to undue classification?" he wrote.

While Zabel is certainly one of the most outspoken Americans who hopes to see the extraterrestrial conversation brought up, he's not the first to ask for such questions, either seriously or jokingly.

So what are the odds of this actually happening? Very low, it seems—though, it's not impossible. Trump has already been asked about the existence of aliens, and he's apparently going to look into it. During a recent Fox News interview, Trump talked a bit about UFOs.

Host Maria Bartiromo posed a direct question to Trump, asking if there really are UFOs. "Well, I'm gonna have to check on that," he responded. "I mean, I've heard that. I heard that two days ago, so I'll check on that. I'll take a good, strong look at that."

At the moment, everyone who tunes in to the debate should expect to hear Trump and Biden talk about a variety of topics, including national security, COVID, American families, race in America, leadership and climate change, according to CNN. We'll just have to wait and see if UFOs make a sudden appearance.