By Sabir Hussain
CHENNAI: On January 7, 1610 while observing the four moons of Jupiter, Galileo found out that they were showing a very anti-Vatican attitude. Instead of going round the Earth as the Vatican had decreed, they were going around Jupiter. Today the same audacity is shown by UFOs. On the one side we have the American government telling the world UFOs do not exist, and on the other side we have UFOs appearing all over the world and violating sensitive air space over nuclear missile bases, nuclear power plants, air force bases and governmental buildings. They appear and disappear out of military and civilian radars, playing cat and mouse game with Air force jets like 1976 Tehran, 1980 Peru and 1989-90 Belgium, all authenticated by eye witness and radar evidence. In 1947 while the American government was decreeing UFOs are not real, 3-star General Nathan Twining who later became chief of Air Force writes a secret memo to a 2-star General stating: The phenomenon reported is something real, not visionary or fictitious and describes the objects as metallic or light reflecting circular or elliptical with a flat bottom and doomed top.
The panel comprised of eminent scientists who gathered around with only one purpose in mind, How to scientifically and systematically reduce people’s interest in UFOs. After four days of meetings they made the following classified recommendations; Creation of a broad based educational programmes, aimed to deny and debunk the UFO phenomenon to the public as well as the media (Indian media must note this). Television programmes, motion pictures and articles both in the newspaper and books should be used covertly as a tool for controlling public perception and act as a mouth piece for Government policy and propaganda in ridiculing UFOs.
Public interest, involvement and enthusiasm for UFOs must be strongly discouraged using the expertise of marketing experts, psychologists, amateur astronomers and even Disney cartoons.
A good example was the two-hour CBS special programme hosted by the famous and trusted Walter Cronkite, titled UFO — Friend, Foe or Fantasy where the UFO phenomenon was debunked with false and misleading claims like there was no radar or photographic evidence to support the physical reality of the UFOs. Civilian UFO research groups formed by scientists and former military officers must be watched and monitored at all times, while intelligence operatives must ensure, that the facts about UFOs be kept from leading scientists and researchers through a campaign of disinformation. Astronomer and UFO researcher Allen Hynek remarked, the panel’s greatest achievement was it made the subject of UFOs scientifically unrespectable.
How does Sabir Hussain living in 2016 know what a 3-star general wrote to a 2-star general in 1947 or the highly classified conclusions of the CIA sponsored Robertson panel in 1953?
To know that we must travel back to the night of Saturday, June 17, 1972, a security guard seeing some mysterious happenings in the office of the Democratic National Committee headquarters, in the Watergate office complex in Washington DC, did the only thing a man in his position must do, call the police…
(The writer is the Director of INSETS-Indian Society for Extraterrestrial Studies and author of Accidental Apocalypse )