Published on 29 May 2013 By Mac5ize
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Mac's UFO News - May 2012 (Video)
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Mac's UFO News - April 2013
Published on 27 Apr 2013 By Mac5ize
This month on Mac's UFO News: Serius documentary review, new additions for April, Maury Island UFO Incident will be made Into a movie, first M.I.B. encounter, sightings for april, UFO's In the news, NASA & Bigelow develop plans for lunar base & the Kepler 62 Star System.
UFO Sighting, Melbourne: 'Close Call' Between Strange Flying Object and Passenger Plane Filmed
UFO Sighting, Melbourne: ‘Close Call’ Between Strange Flying Object and Passenger Plane Filmed (Brad Morris, YouTube)
International Business Times
Many UFO observers are accustomed to seeing strange objects in the sky. A lot of them are always ready with cameras in case some odd aircrafts appear - day or night. YouTube user Brad Morris is one of them. He filmed an "orb" skimming a passenger plane's wing. Was it a close call?
Morris on Wednesday posted the "close call" clip to YouTube with this description:
"(T)his is a must see and shows what really happens when you're in the air around a high activity zone. I also captured many saucers in the same cloud system, (but I've) yet to upload most of them."
Scroll down to watch Morris' video. See for yourself whether what Morris saw was a typical sight up in the air, or something intriguing, indeed.
"Good filming, Brad. A near hit. But the UFOs know what they are doing. This is (a) real (proof) they are out there," comments Art Bosman.
Asked about the equipment he used to capture the "UFO sighting," Morris said he filmed with a Panasonic 720 HD. "It has 70x optical but it's useless unless on a tripod, (so) I don't run it over 35x," he said, adding he has filmed many similar sightings.
Morris used Edge Detection and varying speeds in the clip to share as much as he could about the alleged UFO sighting. He basically filmed a plane in the sky and a small object gliding over one of its wings. The sighting was filmed in Melbourne on May 19.
Topic: UFO - Rich Hoffman - MUFON State Director for Alabama & Mississippi
Published on 20 May 2013 By Topic UFO
Rich presents his top ten list of concerns regarding the recent Public Hearings which were headed up by Steve Bassett.
Multiple UFOs Observe Oklahoma Tornadoes?
Published on 19 May 2013 By StephenHannardADGUK
UFO TV - Technologies of The Gods / Crop Circles - The Quest for Truth
By UFOTVstudios
Technologies of The Gods
Technologies of the Gods brings convincing evidence that ancient civilizations utilized high-tech engineering methods equal to, if not superior to our own and that these technologies were being applied on a world-wide level.
Produced by Atlantis Rising Magazine. It has long been suspected that the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Mayan temples could not have been built using the primitive technologies attributed to those peoples by the orthodox academic view which states that primitive civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India emerged from the stone age just over five thousand years ago.
In Technologies of the Gods breakthrough researchers, writers and engineers take a look at real evidence - largely ignored by the academic establishment - which shatters the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth.
CROP CIRCLES - The Quest for Truth
Signs indicate that some form of non-human intelligence is communication with us ... What's the message?
Academy Award (R) nominated documentary filmmaker William Gazecki (Waco: "Rules of Engagement") offers a compelling and provocative look at the mysterious phenomenon of Crop Circles. Full of never-before-seen footage and interviews with leading Crop Circle researchers and scientists, Crop "Circles: Quest For Truth is a fascinating, in-depth exploration of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles and the possible implications for us and Planet Earth. An astonishing experience guaranteed to shift perspectives and alter perceptions of what is real.
Academy Award (R) nominated documentary filmmaker William Gazecki (Waco: "Rules of Engagement") offers a compelling and provocative look at the mysterious phenomenon of Crop Circles. Full of never-before-seen footage and interviews with leading Crop Circle researchers and scientists, Crop "Circles: Quest For Truth is a fascinating, in-depth exploration of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles and the possible implications for us and Planet Earth. An astonishing experience guaranteed to shift perspectives and alter perceptions of what is real.
Children Record UFO's Over U.S.
"A group of kids sit back and record bright lights in the sky, clearly they are very bright in daylight, they are in a low formation, She states: We were just standing outside when all of the sudden these lights appeared in the sky. I still to this day have no idea what they were. so what are they? Credits Mrs Rogers"
U.S. Air Force Intelligence Security Service UFO Report
By Clifford Stone
The attached report is from the files of the U.S.Air Force Intelligence Security Service. It deals with a little known incident that occurred over the Canal Zone during the period of March 9-10, 1958.
This incident, to the best of my knowledge, never made it to the Blue Book Files, although it was processed IAW AFR 200-2. However, it was also, part of the NSA files that were release. This incident clearly indicates the present of two or more "aircraft" being involved and doing those things that no known "aircaft" of the time were capable of doing, such as the indicated speed, stopping in mid-flight, a very fast rate of climb and taking evasive actions. All of this clearly show that some type of craft(s) were in involved and showing technical capibilities outside the capibilities of the technology for that time.
This case makes me recall the words of Gen. Bolander, those cases affecting national security are not part of Project Blue Book and were never meant to be. God Bless, Cliff

Bigelow Aerospace gearing-up for private space station on-orbit and bases on the Moon
By JackKennedy
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Robert Bigelow |
Aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow unveiled plans Thursday for a craft known as The Guide. He gave few details but described it as a “flight-like testing unit” that is smaller than a car. He plans to have test flights in early 2014 at a dry lake near Alamo, about 100 miles north of Las Vegas, reports the Las Vegas Sun.
Bigelow, founder and president of North Las Vegas’ Bigelow Aerospace, said The Guide would be able to land as an operational base on the moon. He did not disclose its development costs but said he is “trying to get (it) in contract.” It’s the “simplest, least expensive base” he could build, as NASA looks more and more to the private sector for help with human space missions, Bigelow said.
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Proposed Bigelow Moon Base |
The deal “signals that NASA is open to working with the private sector on lunar activities even if the agency itself does not want to lead such an effort,” Scott Pace, director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, said in a phone interview with BloombergBusiness.
NASA typically develops plans for various projects and then asks the private sector to contribute. With the study, agency officials decided to flip that process and ask companies from the get-go where they see business opportunities, said Bill Gerstenmaier, associate administrator of human exploration and operations at NASA
Witness reports camera failure after photographing UFO in CA
A witness photographed a UFO above the San Diego, California suburb of Santee on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 7.
According to 10News, San Diego’s ABC affiliate, witness Ellen Henry snapped multiple UFO photos of the object as it hovered over the historic, and allegedly haunted, Edgmoore Barn. And she is convinced that whatever she saw in the sky was extraterrestrial.
News10 interviewed Henry, but “she did not want to show her face on camera because she said she was still spooked by what she captured.” And she claims that her camera stopped working after she photographed the UFO.
The station reportedly contacted the nearby airport and the nearby Marine airbase, but neither had an explanation for the UFO. The station also checked with the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and determined that only one UFO sighting in San Diego had been reported during May. News10 points out that Edgemoore Barn sits beneath multiple flight paths.
The station provides very few details from the witness. The News10 reporter states that the object was hovering over the barn, but it is unclear whether that is her description or Henry’s description. Based on the pictures, the object appears to be in motion. Henry told News10 she is certain the object was not a bug. With multiple flight paths above the barn, and with the unidentified object apparently in motion, a conventional aircraft is a possible identification. But it is always possible that Henry snapped photos of something extraterrestrial.
A positive identification of this UFO over Santee is unlikely unless more details are obtained from the witness.
J.J. Abrams quizzes astronaut on alien life (video)
By Robbie Graham
UPDATED: 23 May, 2013
Thanks to Alejandro Rojas at OpenMinds.TV for going that extra mile in seeking out the actual video chat between NASA and the cast and crew of Star Trek Into Darkness discussed but not shown in the original reporting of this story.
The previously “unnamed” astronaut referred to by Alice Eve on Jimmy Kimmel Live turns out to be Michael Fincke. Joining him in the Google Hangout was Kjell Lindgren at the Johnson Space Center and Chris Cassidy aboard the International Space Station.
Director J.J. Abrams (who also wrote and directed the UFO movie Super 8 in 2011) was unable to participate in the live event. His “alien” question to the astronauts was posed in a pre-recorded video. Abrams said:
“I wish I could be there, but I couldn’t attend, so I am doing this very important question on video, which is the following. I talked to an astronaut once who told me on one of his missions he actually did see something really strange that he couldn’t explain that made him believe in extraterrestrial life, and my question to you is. Have either of you ever seen anything that made you believe that, or something you couldn’t explain or couldn’t understand, that you didn’t really necessarily share with the public, but that you want to share with us now? Thanks”.
Fincke replied:
“That was a great question from J.J., we get that question a lot. We all want to know, ‘are we the only ones out there?’And Star Trek helps us imagine what it could be like if there were other creatures, other people, other species. I spent a whole year in space, 381 days, but it is only 240 miles up, so that’s not very far in cosmic terms. So we think as we go farther out, and into the universe, we might find something out there that we don’t know about. I have never seen anything, maybe Kjell will on his mission, but I think as we go farther out, with the inspiration we get from you guys making these great feats of imagination and excitement, the movies that you make, inspire us to be our best as human beings on planet earth.”
Star Trek Into Darkness writer and producer Damon Lindelof then commented,“What a great answer. Mike, can you confirm you have not been taken over by aliens? It felt a little too polished.”
Fincke replied, “No, I have done this before and I am an American human being who loves being part of our space program, and we all look up to you guys to inspire us.”
“Now we know something is seriously wrong,” said Lindelof.
British actress Alice Eve is convinced that NASA is hiding information about alien life. During a recent interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Eve – who co-starred in Star Trek Into Darkness and Men In Black 3 – described taking a trip to NASA’s Johnson Space Flight Center in Houston, Texas last Thursday, where she and her Trek co-stars Chris Pine and John Cho, as well as the film’s writer Damon Lindelof and its director J.J. Abrams, made a Skype call to an unnamed astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
"That was definitely the coolest thing we've done,” Eve told Kimmel, adding that her director had once spoken to an astronaut who believed he had seen alien life. Eve continued:
“J.J. asked this question [to the ISS astronaut], 'So have you seen alien life?'... and the response that these guys at the NASA base gave us... was so rehearsed and so clear that they had seen (aliens).”
“Interesting,” Kimmel replied. “So you believe that there’s a party line that they’re given and they kinda have to regurgitate it?”
“Well, I don’t know. I’m not saying I believe that...”Said Eve. The actress then leaned in toward her host and whispered in his ear: “but I believe that.”
Eve's comments begin at counter reading 1:12 in the video below...
Monday, 20 May 2013
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure 'Highlights' Parts 1 & 2 (Special Editions)
By Mac's UFO News
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (April 29 - May 3, 2013) brought 40+ researchers and government/agency witnesses to Washington DC to testify before six former members of the U.S. Congress on events and evidence supporting the truth of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and a government policy to embargo that truth.
Spacing Out! Ep. 50 - Ben Hansen details his triangle UFO sighting in Huntington Beach
Published on 17 May 2013 By openmindstv
UFO over Chile and Argentina
Published on 11 May 2013 By MrB0OS
Kepler Space Telescope's Planet-Hunting Days May Be Numbered, NASA Announces
NASA's planet-hunting Kepler telescope is broken, potentially jeopardizing the search for other worlds where life could exist outside our solar system.
If engineers can't find a fix, the failure could mean an end to the $600 million mission's search, although the space agency wasn't ready to call it quits Wednesday. The telescope has discovered scores of planets but only two so far are the best candidates for habitable planets.
"I wouldn't call Kepler down-and-out just yet," said NASA sciences chief John Grunsfeld.
NASA said the spacecraft lost the second of four wheels that control its orientation in space. With only two working wheels left, it can't point at stars with the same precision.
In orbit around the sun, 40 million miles from Earth, Kepler is too far away to send astronauts on a repair mission like the way Grunsfeld and others fixed a mirror on the Hubble Space Telescope. Over the next several weeks, engineers on the ground will try to restart Kepler's faulty wheel or find a workaround. The telescope could be used for other purposes even if it can no longer track down planets.
Kepler was launched in 2009 in search of Earth-like planets. So far, it has confirmed 132 planets and spotted more than 2,700 potential ones. Its mission was supposed to be over by now, but last year, NASA agreed to keep Kepler running through 2016 at a cost of about $20 million a year.
Just last month, Kepler scientists announced the discovery of a distant duo that seems like ideal places for some sort of life to flourish. The other planets found by Kepler haven't fit all the criteria that would make them right for life of any kind – from microbes to man.
While ground telescopes can hunt for planets outside our solar system, Kepler is much more advanced and is the first space mission dedicated to that goal.
For the past four years, Kepler has focused its telescope on a faraway patch of the Milky Way hosting more than 150,000 stars, recording slight dips in brightness – a sign of a planet passing in front of the star.
Now "we can't point where we need to point. We can't gather data," deputy project manager Charles Sobeck told The Associated Press.
Scientists said there's a backlog of data that they still need to analyze even if Kepler stopped looking for planets.
"I think the most interesting, exciting discoveries are coming in the next two years. The mission is not over," said chief scientist William Borucki at the NASA Ames Research Center in Northern California, which manages the mission.
Scientists who have no role in the Kepler mission mourned the news. They said the latest loss means the spacecraft may not be able to determine how many Earth-size planets are in the "Goldilocks zone" where it's not too hot or too cold for water to exist in liquid form on the surface. And while they praised the data collected by Kepler so far, they said several more years of observations are needed to nail down that number.
"This is one of the saddest days in my life. A crippled Kepler may be able to do other things, but it cannot do the one thing it was designed to do," Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, who is not part of the Kepler team, said in an email.
In 2017, NASA plans to launch TESS – Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite – designed to search for planets around nearby stars.
UFOTV - The UFO Enigma of Flying Spheres
Published on 15 May 2013 By UFOTVstudios
They have been seen by thousands of eye witnesses. Since World War 2, strange Flying Spheres have been reported and filmed making impossible maneuvers compared to terrestrial aircraft. They can avoid radar and even disable tracking and flight instrumentation. They have been seen by military pilots, airline pilots, NASA space shuttle pilots, and even International Space Station personnel. Is their origin extraterrestrial? Despite all efforts, Flying Spheres still remain a mystery to UFO researchers. This program presents everything we now know about this amazing mystery along with a stunning selection of authentic video footage of the Flying Spheres.
Canadian UFO statistics continue to make TV News
Published on 15 May 2013 By Isaac Wilee
Record numbers reported in all provinces except Saskatchewan and P.E.I.
Canadians reported nearly 2,000 sightings of unidentified flying objects last year, setting a new record a national survey found. The annual Canadian UFO Survey found that Canadians reported seeing 1,981 UFOs in 2012, nearly doubling the previous Reports.
News magazine examines UFOs and government transparency
Kel McClanahan, an attorney specializing in national security and privacy law, told The Week, “Every major military agency receives an enormous amount of requests about UFOs.” He says they get a flood of requests every time the news reports a UFO sighting.
In particular they note the work of John Greenewald, the owner of the website, who has amassed over 700,000 pages of government documents through Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA).
The Black Vault website houses the hundreds of thousands of files
retrieved by John Greenewald via FOIA requests. (Credit:
According to Haines, in 1975, William Spalding, the head of Ground Saucer Watch, requested all files related to the Robertson panel. The Robertson panel was a group brought together by the CIA in 1953 to review the Air Force’s UFO investigation. Upon receiving the files, Spaulding replied to the CIA accusing them of a cover-up. The CIA’s Information and Privacy Coordinator, Gene Wilson, replied “At no time prior to the formation of the Robertson Panel and subsequent to the issuance of the panel’s report has CIA engaged in the study of the UFO phenomena.” Haines wrote, “Wilson was ill informed.”
That is because Spaulding sued the CIA, unconvinced by Wilson’s response, and he won. The CIA was forced to conduct an extensive search for UFO files, and sure enough, they found 355 more documents, totalling around 900 pages. Most of these files were subsequently released to the public. 100 pages were withheld, “on national security grounds and to protect sources and methods.”
Ground Saucer Watch filed another lawsuit (see clarification by Kel McClanahan in the comments below) to get the remaining files, but according to the CIA, this lawsuit was dismissed in 1980. McClanahan told The Week that Ground Saucer Watch versus the CIA has since been cited in many other decisions. It helped set the parameters for what the government is expected to search for. It also prompted the CIA to put their UFO files on their website.
The second case is from 2007 when Leslie Kean sued NASA for information on a mysterious object that fell into the forest in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in the 1960s. In this case the court ruled in Kean’s favor, agreeing that NASA had not adequately searched for the documents. NASA was ordered to conduct a more extensive search. Ultimately, NASA said they lost the files.
Leslie Kean, author of UFOs on the Record.
The final case The Week refers to is the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy versus the Department of Defense. McClanahan says this case is significant because of why the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy lost. They produced witnesses to testify that the DOD knew more than they were sharing, but the judge determined, “speculation that documents exist is insufficient to create a genuine issue of material fact.” The Week notes, “So even if Benghazi conspiracy theorists produced dozens of eyewitnesses to support a certain allegation, it makes no difference if the government doesn’t have any documentation of it.”
The Week makes the case that whether or not you think there is anything to the UFO debate, UFO research has had an effect on the government’s handling of FOIA. McClanahan asks, “What other advocacy group can say that they’re getting the government to proactively disclose everything there is to know about a subject?”
Bigelow Aerospace - What do they do with UFO reports?
Published on 17 May 2013 By Shepherd Johnson
Aliens and the Government at the Citizens For Truth Hearing with Stephen Bassett
Published on 18 May 2013 By TheLipTV
Sean Stone digs deep to bring Bassett's story to Buzzsaw.
Stephen Bassett is a leading advocate for ending the 65-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He is a political activist, lobbyist, commentator, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC) and executive producer of the X-Conference. His work has been covered extensively by national and international media.
UFO expert shares insights, sightings
By Naomi Hall
Aliens likely walk among us and the federal government won’t admit it, says Butch Witkowski, director of the Lancaster-based UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania.
He spoke to a rapturous audience at the Levittown Library on Saturday in a free presentation called “UFOlogy and Much More” sponsored by the Friends of Levittown Library.Witkowski, of Lancaster, is the director of the UFO Research Center of PA, a nonprofit group of investigators dedicated to confirming the veracity of all manner of unexplained events.
The UFORCOP team travels across Pennsylvania to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects, legendary animals and monsters, the paranormal, reports of alien abduction, spontaneous combustion, unexplained mutilations and other highly strange events. The group has seven affiliated organizations across the country and one in Poland, Witkowski said.
“Hoaxing is 99 percent of this field. If we find a hoax, I expose it. I put it on the website. We will tell you the way it is,” Witkowski said. “We do not charge a fee for research. We do our own lab work. We don’t take somebody’s word for it.”
Witkowski said he didn’t believe in a government coverup involving aliens until he attended a conference in Washington in which a retired longtime news reporter and Washington insider told him aliens were real and lived among the citizenship.
“Why are they here?” one woman asked from the audience.
“Nobody knows,” Witkowski said. “There are theories. Some people say that they are us.”
Another question came from the audience: “Do you think that there’s a connection between UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle?”
“Yes,” Witkowski said, adding that there have been many UFO sightings over the ocean.
“Is there a government cover-up, and why?” asked one woman.
“Yes,” Witkowski answered. “There’s a government cover-up. Can you imagine what would happen if the government told you aliens live with us? They can’t do that. How could they admit that they’ve been lying to us all these years?”
Audience members who said they had seen unexplained objects in the sky shared their experiences with Witkowski and others in the audience.
“Are things out there? Absolutely. Do we know what they are? Absolutely not,” Witkowski told the crowd after hearing their stories.
Jack, a Fairless Hills resident who would only give his first name, attended the presentation after seeing a flier about it.
“I’ve had an interest in this. I used to be into this in the ‘90s,” Jack said. “I’ve never seen a UFO. I’m interested in the cryptozoology, the study of unknown animals.”
Witkowski encouraged everyone to visit if they see something unexplained or want to speak with a researcher.
UFO Movie News
First full trailer for 'Europa Report'
By Robbie Graham
Check out the first full trailer for the upcoming sci-fi thriller Europa Report, which is described by as “a unique blend of documentary, alternative history and science fiction thriller [which] follows a contemporary mission to Jupiter's moon Europa, to investigate the possible existence of alien life within our solar system.”
Developed in close collaboration with NASA, JPL, SpaceX and other leaders in the scientific community, Europa Report “imagines the next step in manned space exploration and is based on recent scientific discoveries and theories.”
The film is due for theatrical release on August 2, and will be available On Demand from June 27.
Directed by Sebastian Cordero, Europa Report stars Sharlto Copley, Michael Nyqvist, Daniel Wu, Anamaria Marinca, Christian Camargo and Karolina Wydra. The film features music by Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead).
UFOs and Out-of-Body Experiences

By Nick Redfern
One of the most notable UFO encounters ever recorded occurred shortly after 11p.m. on October 18, 1973. That the prime witnesses were serving members of the U.S. Army Reserve only added to the credibility of the report. Having departed from Port Columbus, Ohio, their UH-1H helicopter was headed for its home base at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Aboard were Captain Lawrence J. Coyne; Sergeant John Healey, the flight-medic; First Lieutenant Arrigo Jezzi, a chemical engineer; and a computer technician, Sergeant Robert Yanacsek. All seemed normal as the crew climbed into the air and kept the helicopter at a steady 2,500 feet altitude.
Captain Coyne immediately swung into action, putting the helicopter into an emergency descent, dropping 500 feet per minute. Equally alarming was the fact that radio contact with Mansfield Tower could no longer be established, and both UHF and VHF frequencies were utterly dead, too.
When it seemed that a fatal collision was all but imminent, the red light came to a halt, hovering menacingly in front of the helicopter and its startled crew. At that close proximity to the object, Captain Coyne and his team were able to determine that this was no mere light in the sky. Coyne, Healey, and Yanacsek agreed that the object before them was a large, gray-colored, cigar-shaped vehicle, which they described as being somewhat “domed,” and with “a suggestion of windows.” They could now see that the red light was coming from the bow section of the object.
Then without warning, a green “pyramid shaped” shaft of light emanated from the object, passed over the nose of the helicopter, swung up through the windshield, and entered the tinted, upper window panels. Suddenly the interior of the helicopter was bathed in an eerie green light. A handful of seconds later the object shot off toward Lake Erie. But the danger was still not over.
To the crew’s concern, the altimeter showed an altitude of 3,500 feet and a climbing ascent of 1,000 feet per minute, even though the stick was still geared for descent. The helicopter reached a height of 3,800 feet before Captain Coyne was able to safely and finally regain control of the helicopter. Shortly thereafter, all radio frequencies returned to normal and Coyne proceeded on to Cleveland Hopkins Airport without further problems.
While the UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass opined at the time that the crew had been spooked by nothing more mysterious than a “fireball of the Orinoid meteor shower,” this was never proved, and an in-depth study undertaken by investigator Jennie Zeidman for the Center for UFO Studies summarily ruled out any conventional aircraft as being responsible. Zeidman concisely and accurately concluded: “The case has maintained its high ‘strangeness-credibility’ rating after extended investigation and analysis.”
On several occasions in the immediate aftermath of their encounter, Captain Coyne received telephone calls from people identifying themselves as representatives of the Department of the Army, Surgeon General’s Office, asking if he, Coyne, had experienced any “unusual dreams” subsequent to the UFO incident. As it happened, not long before the Army’s call, Coyne had undergone a very vivid out-of-body experience.
Sgt. John Healey also reported being called about the incident and its aftermath. “As time would go by,” said Healey, “the Pentagon would call us up and ask us: ‘Well, has this incident happened to you since the occurrence?’ And in two of the instances that I recall, what they questioned me, was, number one: have I ever dreamed of body separation? And I have. I dreamed that I was dead in bed and that my spirit or whatever, was floating, looking down at me lying dead in bed. And the other thing was had I ever dreamed of anything spherical in shape; which definitely had not occurred to me.”
That the Army’s Surgeon General’s Office was interested in both out-of-body experiences and the nature of death and the after-life in the early-to-mid 1970s is not in doubt. For example, a September 1975 document titled Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research that had been prepared for the Defense Intelligence Agency by the SGO’s Medical Intelligence and Information Agency contains a section titled Out-of-the-body Phenomena that focuses on the research of Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder who “reported that the Soviets were studying out-of-the-body phenomena in Yogis.”
Ostrander, a Canadian, and Schroeder, an American, were the authors of the classic 1971 book, Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain. In June 1968, the pair was invited to attend an international conference on ESP in Moscow. The invite had come from Edward Naumov, a leading figure at the time in Soviet psi research.
With the late 1960s seeing the emergence of a more relaxed atmosphere of discussion in such controversial areas of research in the Soviet Union, Ostrander and Schroeder began contacting Soviet scientists and researchers in an effort to understand the scale of investigations being undertaken behind the Iron Curtain. This ultimately led to the publication of their book.
Interestingly, the Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research document also displays interest in the issue of unusual, and somewhat unsettling, occurrences reported at the moment of death within the animal kingdom. Referring to the work of Russian scientist Pavel Naumov, the document states:
“Naumov conducted animal bio-communication studies between a submerged Soviet Navy submarine and a shore research station: these tests involved a mother rabbit and her newborn litter and occurred around 1956. According to Naumov, Soviet scientists placed the baby rabbits aboard the submarine. They kept the mother rabbit in a laboratory on shore where they implanted electrodes in her brain.”
The document continues: “ When the submarine was submerged, assistants killed the rabbits one by one. At each precise moment of death, the mother rabbit’s brain produced detectable and recordable reactions. As late as 1970 the precise protocol and results of this test described by Naumov were believed to be classified.”
Of course, all this begs two important questions, which I will leave you to ponder on: (A) Why is the world of officialdom interested in out-of-body experiences; and (B) why was someone, also in officialdom, making a connection between that curious phenomenon and UFOs?
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Spacing Out! Ep. 49 - Seth Shostak discusses the search for intelligent extraterrestrials
Published on 10 May 2013 By openmindstv
More information about Seth Shostak and the SETI Institute is at
Unknown Object Videotaped over Colombia
By UFO Casebook
Originally published on May 7, 2013 by mcmillanbmm
(Editor's Note: Not a lot of information is given by the submitter, except to give the country, Colombia, and the date, November, 2012.
The video was difficult to work with as part of it was out of focus, and all of it was very shaky. We did what we could to take out the shakiness.
The object could well be nothing more than a kite, or other aerial fancy. If you look closely, at times you can see something hanging below it. See what you think.)
UFOTV - UFOs and the ALIEN Presence
Uploaded on 22 Jan 2011 By UFOTVstudios
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