Steve Pierce recently spoke with Open Minds and gave what he said would be his final interview. Since then, an outpouring of encouragement has come from his supporters and friends. Realizing how vital his story is, Steve has made the decision to continue to speak out about what he witnessed in 1975. The friendship between Travis Walton and Steve Pierce had been strained, but since the posting of the Open Minds interview with Pierce, the friendship is on the mend. In the interview, he expressed his fears of sleeping alone in the woods, but recently with the help of Travis, Steve has over come those fears and spent his first night alone in the woods since the incident. The two will also be teaming up this summer to speak at the 2012 Roswell UFO Festival.
Steve Pierce
In the years since the incident, the polygraph tests have been the crucial piece of evidence backing their story. The test and results are posted online, but not a lot of attention has been given to them. Pierce recently brought these documents into the light again, in hopes of suppressing the skeptics and presenting solid evidence for the events of that night. Travis Walton has also come forward to speak with Open Minds regarding the documents and the exams too. The documents clearly lay out the questions asked, along with the examiners conclusion that: “These polygraph examinations prove that these five men did see some object that they believe to be a UFO and that Travis Walton was not injured or murdered by any of these men, on that Wednesday (5 November 1975).” He also shared some words of encouragement for Pierce, and how speaking out will be a positive thing for him. The tenacity that these men display in sticking to the truth rivals most. Their trials have been daunting, yet they press on, adhering to their stories through the crowd of skeptics.