By Paul Watt
The Hampshire
UFO society started in
early 2011 with the aim of bringing together like minded people to share and
discuss ufology and UFO experiences.
We have regular
meetings and sky watches. The meetings generally take place
in Portsmouth and the sky watches usually occur on the beach at
So far we have had
several unidentified sightings, I'm hesitant to say that they are extra-terrestrial in nature as they
could easily be either man made
(air force experimental aircraft , satellites etc.) or natural
phenomena (i.e. meteors or celestial
objects distorted in Earth atmosphere). I'm
reminded of the wave of UFO “black triangle” sightings, most of which were later
credited to the US air forces testing of the stealth
I approach the subject
of ufology with a sceptics eye, I believe that 99.9% of
sightings can be explained, sometimes only after a period of investigation, but it’s that 0.1% that can't
be accounted for that drives me, and the other members, to research,
catalogue and report the
You don't have to be a
member to report your sighting to us; you don't even have to
give your name. I would suggest that if you would like to report to us and want
to remain anonymous, create a free email
account with a provider like Hotmail or Gmail.
I absolutely
respect your wishes and will not pass on your details.
Membership of the
society is completely free and you can remain anomouse if you so desire. There
is no formal membership, no subs at all and I don't give out membership cards.
We are very casual in that respect, you are free to attend any meetings or sky
watches or not turn up, and it’s entirely up to you. The
meetings and sky watches are great opportunities to meet like-minded people, especially on
the sky watches; although we are there
primarily to “hunt” UFO's we
also have a good laugh!
Our membership has
people from all walks of life and levels of interest in the UFO world. We have people
who are just mildly interested in the subject right through to ex investigators
for groups such as BUFORA and MUFON
We have a Facebook page and a website