The rivalry between South Africa and Australia is reaching beyond the
sportsfield into the extraterrestial these days. A scientific panel selected
South Africa over Australia as the best site for the proposed Square Kilometre
Array (SKA) project, The Sydney Morning Herald reported on Saturday.
The SKA’s Site Advisory Committee will oversee the enormous radio telescope,
but it remains unclear where the radio telescope will go. The SKA radio
telescopes costs around $2.1-billion, consisting of 3000 dishes.
The telescope will help scientists address questions surrounding the early
universe. The telescope is reportedly so sensitive that it might pick up
television signals from distant planets, which could uncover extraterrestrial
The bidding war started in 2006, but since construction costs are lower and
South Africa is at a higher altitude they came out top.
SKA board members are set to meet next Monday in Manchester, United Kingdom.
The meeting will take the aforementioned scientific panel’s thumbs up to South
Africa into account. However, both sides will have the chance to present any
contestations. These will be added to the panel’s recommendation, before the
final announcement is made.