Saturday, 31 March 2012
One Millionth Space Station Photo
ISS030-E-126655 (7 March, 2012) --- This photograph, taken by one of the Expedition 30 crew members aboard the International Space Station from approximately 240 miles above the southeastern Tasman Sea, is believed to be the one millionth still image recorded by space station crews. The view, from over a point centered at 46.56 degrees south latitude and 164.33 degrees east longitude, focuses on an area just west of the south end of South Island, New Zealand and was taken about 3:19 a.m. New Zealand time, March 7, 2012. Illumination and the relative motion of features in the overall series of photos suggest that the view is towards the south to southeast with the approaching dawn to the left and a strong band of Aurora Australis, from left to right. A Russian Soyuz and a Russian Progress vehicle are seen center and right in the foreground, respectively.