Witnesses Report Triangle UFO 'Bigger Than A Football Field'
Texas military couple follows UFO - Canadian National Newspaper
Tales of UFO and alien adventures in Yorkshire and Lancashire – Huddersfield Examiner
From Mormonism To UFOs | Mysterious Universe
UFO sightings reveal more strange metal boxes along coastal beaches | HULIQ
7 Mind Blowing Space Scenes From Movies – Screen Junkies
hidden experience: Max Ernst, ritual magic and UFOs
Enormous subglacial Lake Vostok could hold clues for alien life – Christian Science Monitor
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: The Amelia Case: UFO Contact in Necochea - Part Two
Martians landing or Putin’s new bomb? Mysterious flash in the sky sparks conspiracy theories in Moscow – Daily Mail
DARKNESS IN THE DESERT...: Range Safety, Roswell, and "Little Information"
Cut back on missions to Mars? No way, backers say – MSNBC
Octopus Confessional: Congress Approves 30,000 Spy Drones Over America As US Police State Tightens
The Leah Haley Case: Springfield, St. Louis and on to Gulf Breeze
Alien Abduction(s) of Primitive Women
Abductions, 'Serious Research' and a Sad Loss