UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock
"I went to the VA Hospital in Wilkes Barre, Pa on 2/6/12 and was X-rayed for pain in my left elbox. Technicians asked me if I had any wires or any defibrillators implanted into my left arm and I said, "No". They asked me to take more X-rays. I went home and called my cardiologist in Syracuse, NY and he said he had never touched my left arm. The implant is about 10cm in length (5 inches or longer on the X-ray, but goes beyond the visible portion of the X-ray towards my left shoulder). I have no idea where it ends and this seems like a serious matter. I am very frightened by this and I have no memory of how it got there. I have obtained a copy of the X-ray which I am sending in this MUFON Sighting Report. Please contact me as soon as possible. "

(Mac: The X-ray link now appears to be dead):'sX-rayofAlienImplant.jpg