By Inexplicata & Carlos Guzmán Rojas, C.I.F.E.E.E.A.C.
As reported earlier, our colleague Alfonso Salazar, an aviation technician and an essential part of the C.I.F.E.E.E.A.C. group, requested information form the Bolivian Ambassador to Mexico regarding encounters between military aircraft and UFOs in Bolivian airspace.
We present the response given by the Bolivian ambassador with regard to the subject of UFOs.
Dear Mr. Salazar,
We have carefully read through your request for information that the Bolivian Air Force might provide you with regard to Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
I must admit that this subject, given its characteristics, is not one that receives any official treatment from any agency of the Bolivian government, even while the subject is well-known and a source of reports, particularly in the press. As a consequence of your request, it was learned that a number of blogs are in existence and provide information on this subject. However, it is up to you to weigh the quality and veracity of the information you may glean from them. In any event, so that you may obtain official information, if any, from the Bolivian Air Force, I am submitting their address and basic information.
Lic. Jorge Caballero Barrera
Advising Minister
Embassy of Bolivia
México D.F.
It is clear that governments still avoid the subject of unidentified flying objects. This does not mean, however, that there aren’t official documents, reports from pilots, air traffic controllers and thousands of witnesses that have reported encounters between air force aircraft and unidentified flying objects.
Moreover, there are high-level eyewitness reports that speak of aerial pursuits, such as the 1973 case involving an F-86 piloted by Maj. Norberto Salomon of the Bolivian Air Force, and the giant UFO intercepted in the year 2000 by Maj. Luis Higa and Col. Alfredo Arzabe.
Our thanks to our colleague Alfonso Salazar, aviation technician, for his formidable compilation, research and dissemination task involving military aircraft and UFOs around the world, since without this extraordinary dedication, hundreds or perhaps thousands of reports would be lost in time and would not be known to the public.
In closing, researcher Alfonso Salazar is the co-author of the book Ovnis y la Aviación Mexicana, a significant compendium of encounters between UFOs and civilian and military aircraft over Mexican territory, making all this information available to people everywhere interested in first-hand knowledge of this enigmatic subject.
(Translation (c) 2012, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Carlos Guzmán and Paulo Poian)