By Tom Rose
January 30, 2012
In the latest UFO news, two friends driving along a highway in Portugal jump from their car to film an unidentified flying object as it emerged from a cloud. A moment later, the OVNI flashes into bits and falls to the ground.
The amazing footage certainly looks real as faking this kind of image is very difficult. Since the comments are in Portuguese, it's hard to know what the witnesses are saying, but they seem very excited by what they are seeing.
As the UFO peeks out from the cloud the cameraman zooms in for a closeup and the object is revealed to be gigantic and circular in shape. Then the object seems to flash into an explosion like none ever seen before. The OVNI disintegrates and falls to the ground in the distance. What can it be?

Here is an enlarged photo of the object at the center of this latest UFO news, but it doesn't really help to explain what this aerial object is or why it explodes into blue, reflective light.
Here's the video: