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Sunday, 12 August 2018
Saturday, 4 August 2018
6th International UFO Truth Magazine Conference
The weather is great at the moment but it won’t always be so why not think ahead and make your way over to the beautiful West Yorkshire town of Holmfirth, famed for its links to the long-running ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ TV series to attend the 6th International UFO Truth Magazine two-day Conference.
This will be the biggest UFO themed conference in Britain in 2018 and we have some of the top people from around the world taking part.
Flying in from Peru is Brien Foerster, one of the regular stars of the long-running ‘Ancient Aliens’ TV series, an expert on lost technologies from around the world and who believes some are extraterrestrial.
Flying in from Peru is Brien Foerster, one of the regular stars of the long-running ‘Ancient Aliens’ TV series, an expert on lost technologies from around the world and who believes some are extraterrestrial.
Andrew Collins, the UK based author, lecturer and researcher is also a frequent guest on the ‘Ancient Aliens’ TV series.
Donald Schmitt is flying in from the United States to be with us and he is widely recognised as one of the top UFO experts in the world and particularly known for his expertise on the famous ‘Roswell’ saucer crash in 1947.
Again, flying in from the States is a brand new military witness, Steve Longero, to Britain’s most famous UFO case, the Rendlesham Forest incident in Suffolk in late December 1980 and following an in-depth re-interview he has revealed two new major revelations that will be exclusive to the conference and will feature in the upcoming feature length ‘Capel Green’ documentary which is set for release in the spring of 2019. If you are interested in the ‘Rendlesham Forest’ incident then make sure you book your tickets soon to make sure you hear first what he has to say.
Flying in from Germany is that countrie’s leading researcher on UFOs, Robert Fleischer. He will report on how different the media attitude is in Germany to that of the UK.
In November 1980 former police officer Alan Godfrey not only saw a UFO whilst on duty in Todmorden but he was also ‘abducted’ by aliens. His case is now regarded my many as being ‘Britain’s first widely accepted alien abduction case’. He has recently released a book about what happened to him at the time and in the aftermath of the event which is both fascinating and disturbing.
Finally, as host of UFO Truth Magazine I will lecture on all things current over the last 12 months in ufology and in particular focus on the implications of the recent December 2017 Pentagon UFO admissions.
It’s going to be a great two days, just ask anyone who has attended before. The location is great with plenty of parking, shops, cafe’s just a stone’s throw away, and beautiful surrounding scenery. What are you waiting for!
Gary Heseltine, host and editor of UFO Truth Magazine
See the website to order your tickets today:…/
See the website to order your tickets today:…/
A Radar Blip, a Flash of Light: How U.F.O.s ‘Exploded’ Into Public View
In July 1952, several U.F.O. sightings in Washington garnered headlines around the world. This one is from The New York Times.CreditThe New York Times
By Laura Holson
In the early morning of July 20, 1952, Capt. S.C. “Casey” Pierman was ready for takeoff at Washington National Airport, when a bright light skimmed the horizon and disappeared. He did not think much of it until he was airborne, bound for Detroit, and an air traffic controller told him two or three unidentified flying objects were spotted on radar traveling at high speed.
The controller told Captain Pierman to follow them, the pilot told government investigators at the time. Captain Pierman agreed, and headed northwest over West Virginia where he saw as many as seven bluish-white lights that looked “like falling stars without tails,” according to a newspaper report.
The sighting of whatever-they-were garnered headlines around the world. And in the decades since, U.F.O.s have become part of the pop culture zeitgeist, from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” to “The X-Files.” In September, a star of that long-running series, Gillian Anderson, will appear in “UFO,” a movie about a college student haunted by sightings of flying saucers. A “Men in Black” remake is in the works. And the History Channel plans to air “Project Blue Book,” a scripted series about the government program that studied whether U.F.O.s were a national threat.
And the topic is back in the headlines. Last year, The Times wrote about a little known project founded in 2007, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, to investigate U.F.O. sightings. A search of The Times’s historical archives reveals a rich bounty of U.F.O. sightings, lore and explanations since the 1950s. And who can forget in 2016 when Hillary Clinton said she would reopen the real X-files if she were president?
Captain Pierman’s 68-year-old daughter, Faith McClory, said in an interview last month that her father became something of a celebrity as reports like his in the summer of 1952 fueled fear of a space alien invasion.
In July 1952, several U.F.O. sightings in Washington garnered headlines around the world. This one also is from The New York Times.
“My sister has memories of men coming to our home,” said Ms. McClory, who grew up in Belleville, Mich. (She said they were reporters.) “People were enthralled with the flying saucers,” she added.
Researchers say government officials have sought to publicly debunk the existence of alien evidence ever since the Washington sightings.
“Unidentified flying objects exploded into the public consciousness then,” said Mark Rodeghier, the scientific director for the Center for UFO Studies, a group of scientists and researchers who study the U.F.O. phenomenon. “There was concern in a way you hadn’t seen before.”
It should be noted that the term U.F.O., as used by the government, does not mean extraterrestrials from outer space. It means any object in the sky that has not been identified. When asked recently about the 1952 Washington sightings, Ann Stefanek, chief of media operations for the Air Force, wrote in an email that the objects had posed no threat to national security.
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In the spring of 1952, though, numerous mysterious sightings had captured the Air Force’s attention. It created “Project Blue Book” that March — the third investigative government project of its kind and the one that lasted the longest, until 1969.
The events in Washington were not the first unexplained encounter report. Debris from what observers called a “flying disc” had been spotted in Roswell, N.M., five years earlier, which Army officials said was from a “weather balloon.” By 1952, though, a number of sightings of U.F.O.s were being reported across the country and the nation was on edge.
Life magazine was one of the first mainstream magazines to suggest the phenomenon was real and revealed in an April story that the Air Force was secretly investigating. That story inspired a sharp increase in reports of sightings that summer.
The Washington sightings centered on events that started around 11:40 p.m. on July 19, as air traffic controllers at Washington National Airport noticed blips speeding near Andrews Air Force Base, according to government accounts. The unidentified aircrafts fanned out, flying over the White House and the U.S. Capitol. Captain Pierman saw them that night. They vanished around 5 a.m.
It was a second sighting a week later, though, that caused the wave of hysteria that forced the government to speak out. Albert Chop, then a spokesman with the Pentagon who was given the job of answering questions about U.F.O.s, said he was awakened by a call on the evening of July 26.
Mr. Chop described the events in a 1999 oral history to the Sign Historical Group, an association of archivists and amateur researchers who held a workshop that year to study U.F.O history. He said the new objects were spotted on radar at Washington National Airport and he was told to get there right away.
The Air Force dispatched jet fighters from New Castle, Del., to intercept the flying objects. But every time one of the jets closed in, they disappeared. When the jets backed off, they reappeared.
“It was frightening,” Mr. Chop said. “I think everybody in the room was very apprehensive.”
At one point, a pilot found himself in the midst of four unidentified aircrafts and asked what to do. “I didn’t say anything,” Mr. Chop told the interviewers. “Nobody said anything. All of a sudden these things began to move away from him and he said, ‘They’re gone!’” The pilot returned to his base.
“These things hung around all night long,” Mr. Chop added.
The next day, almost every major newspaper wrote about the U.F.O.s. “‘Objects’ Outstrip Jets Over Capital,” was the headline in The Times.
The Air Force held a press conference on July 29, 1952, to discuss the recent sightings of unidentified flying objects over Washington. Maj. Gen. John Samford, seated on the right, is who dismissed the sightings as “natural phenomena.”CreditBettmann, via Getty Images
“People didn’t know what to think of it,” said Rob Swiatek, a U.F.O. researcher and scientist, in a recent interview.“They were very disturbed.”
Public panic was a problem for the Air Force, which feared a diversion of resources during the Cold War. “The Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency became worried that the Soviet Union would take advantage of the situation and launch an attack on the United States,” Mr. Rodeghier said. “They were looking at worst-case scenarios.”
Worse, no one could explain the phenomenon to President Harry Truman, according to press reports. One theory promoted by the Air Force was that a layer of hot air in the sky, called a temperature inversion, caused radar to mistake a weather event for flying objects. “Nobody had any answers,” Mr. Chop told the interviewers. “That’s why General Samford had the press conference.”
On July 29, 1952, Maj. Gen. John Samford, the director of Air Force intelligence overseeing the inquiry, held a news conference at the Pentagon to reassure the public. He dismissed the Washington sightings as a temperature anomaly. Still, the general conceded that not all the details could be explained by natural causes. Witness reports “have been made by credible observers of relatively incredible things,” he said at the time. “It is this group of observations that we now are attempting to resolve.”
The news conference was front page news, including in The Times, which ran the headline “Air Force Debunks ‘Saucers’ as Just ‘Natural Phenomena.’”
After several sightings of unidentified flying objects in Washington in July 1952, government officials held a news conference, calling them “natural phenomena.” The press conference was front page news, including in The Times.
Case closed? Not quite.
“I don’t think temperature inversion had much to do with it, but the news media accepted that explanation at the time,” said Kevin Randle, a former lieutenant colonel in the Army who has studied the events of July 1952 and is the author of the 2001 book, “Invasion Washington: U.F.O.s Over the Capitol.”
In January 1953, spurred by the Washington sightings, a scientific committee led by Howard Robertson, a well-known mathematician and physicist, was formed by the government to explore the phenomenon. “One of the conclusions was that they needed to debunk U.F.O.s,” Mr. Randle said.
The committee, called the Robertson Panel, suggested in its report that the government conduct a mass media education campaign to “reduce the current gullibility of the public and consequently their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.”
The campaign to re-educate Americans did not work — U.F.O.s have persisted as a fixture in pop culture. Besides, the government’s explanation was not that convincing anyway. Ms. McClory, Captain Pierman’s daughter, said her father did not believe that the bluish-white lights he saw were weather-related.
“I don’t want to use the words ‘cover up,’” she said, of her father’s view. “But it was very clear. He saw it. Everything was seen on radar.”
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Top Scientists Explain to Senators Why We Must Look for Aliens
By Ryan Mandelbaum
The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is holding a series of hearings leading up to another NASA authorization bill, which helps set goals and authorizes funding for the agency (2017-2018's bill is here). On Wednesday, scientists from U.S. universities, the Smithsonian Institution, and NASA answered senators’ questions about why Congress should fund the hunt for extraterrestrial life.
“I believe it’s one of the big questions of all of humanity,” Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, told the Senate committee. “This is how great nations make a mark—what they do for their citizens and how they move history forwards.”
Some of the researchers noted that pursuing tough questions brings innovation and drives the economy forward. Practical technology such as GPS came from scientists solving physics problems they were interested in (also, satellites, nukes, and the Cold War). The search for alien life also draws new excitement, encouraging young researchers to enter the field.
“Most senior engineers today, either in civilian space science, national defense or national security, were inspired by the moon landings,” Sara Seager, MIT professor of physics and planetary science, told the committee. “And today, the equivalent of that is the search for life.”
One common theme was something that tends to resonate with members of Congress: America being the best at stuff. While the US can still be considered a leader in space science—we’re still developing impressive technology like the Starshade that could assist in the Earth 2.0 hunt—European and Chinese space programs are catching up in terms of research, development, and innovation.
“Looking to where [China] might be a decade from now, if we stop investing, they will be the leaders,” Princeton astronomer David Spergel told the senators.
Senator Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts) asked about climate change and how space exploration could help people here on Earth. Ellen Stofan, director of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, explained that looking at the climates of other planets has helped us understand our own. Specifically, studying Venus’ atmosphere helped scientists identify the hole in the Earth’s ozone layer back in the 1970s. Seager mentioned that medical imaging relies on astronomy techniques, and that her team at MIT is working on a small planet-hunting satellite that will probably be more useful for the way it packages data than the way it finds exoplanets. “There’s so many, we could talk here for hours,” said Zurbuchen.
Senator Gary Peters (D-Michigan) asked why physicists think that life might be on Mars, given that it only had water for around 500 million years. Stofan explained the importance of actually sending humans to Mars—the life that might have developed on the planet wouldn’t have been complex, but single-celled. “I think it will take humans on the planet breaking open a lot of rocks” to find fossilized evidence of life, she said.
Senator Peters asked whether there might be advanced civilizations we aren’t able to find. Stofan said that NASA is pursuing the correct way of locating life, which is first understanding the nature and variety of life that may have evolved in our own Solar System. This knowledge could provide a basis for finding complex life elsewhere in the galaxy.
It’s clear that both houses of Congress are excited about space science, despite recent setbacks related to the James Webb Space Telescope. They don’t want to lose ground to China, and they want new technologies that private industry can use. But most importantly, pretty much everyone wants to find aliens.
UFOs are real, but don't know what they are: Former UK ministry official Nick Pope
By Nirmal Narayanan
Nick Pope, a British media commentator who worked with the British Government's Ministry of Defence (MoD) from 1985 to 2006 has claimed that unidentified flying objects (UFO) are real. In an exclusive story written for the Sun, Pope revealed that most of the UFO sightings could be explained, but around five percent remain mysterious.
UFOs are real
As per Nick Pope, the cases which perplexed his MoD team during the investigation were the near misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft. The former MoD insider argued that many pilots have reported mysterious UFO encounters which still remain unanswered.
"The bottom line was that we knew UFOs were real, but we didn't know what they were. What was much more fun was the other weird stuff that came our way simply because there was nowhere else in government to send it: crop circles, claims that people had been abducted by aliens, ghost sightings and people who claimed to be psychic and volunteered their services to British intelligence," wrote Nick Pope on the Sun.
Nick Pope also made it clear that Russians and Chinese had conducted tremendous probe to unravel the mystery behind UFO sightings. As per Pope, Russians had also researched and investigated about parapsychology, telekinesis, and various other psychic phenomena.
US government's clever move
The former Directorate of Defence Security also talked about Pentagon's secret UFO search program 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)'. He wrote that the US government did a very clever move by not mentioning the word UFO in the name of the investigation program.
"We still don't know much about AATIP, and it may take Congressional hearings to resolve the issue. Either way, if anyone was laughing about UFOs before, they're not laughing now," added Pope.
He also revealed that the UFOs spotted in the gun camera footage of the Royal Air Force were very similar to that of the flying objects featured in the declassified videos released by Pentagon.
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