Saturday, 5 December 2015
Mac's UFO News - December Update 2015
Published on 5 Dec 2015
This month on Mac's UFO News: Mac's UFO News Is moving house / The Mac's UFO News Forums / The Mac's UFO News Webcast / How to submit material for Inclusion within the Mac's UFO News Webcast / Seasons Greetings / New Intro for season 4.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Mac's UFO News Is Currently Closed
By Mac
Due to the lack of views on the Season 4 Trailer video I have decided to put season 4 on the back burner and take a break from the UFO Field in general untill 2016. (I may also look at the formatt).
The site will remain on line for the next four months and will then probably go private just prior to Christmas.
The reason for this is to make private all inclusions into the 2016 Season 4 webcast. Plus time is always an issue these days. This way I can dedicate myself to a much more comprehensive webcast without the destraction of a weekly news distribution..
Should any of you need me you know how to cantact me, my sincere best to you all - now & always!
Friday, 19 June 2015
Kecksburg Volunteer Fire Department UFO Festival to mark 50th anniversary of UFO incident
By Marcus Schneck
The festival, some of which is unrelated to UFOs and could be transplanted to any small community in Pennsylvania, nevertheless has been named one of the top 40 festivals in the region by Pittsburgh Magazine.
Friday evening will see the fire company social hall, where the UFO Store is maintained in a small room off the bar room, will see exhibits by UFO and Bigfoot investigators mixed with a craft, woodworking and jewelry show. Outside the social hall will be additional food vendors, exhibitors and carnival games.
Among the UFO-centric events will be a parade at 2 p.m. Saturday. Participants are invited to enter with the best UFO costumes or UFO floats.
A UFO hot dog eating contest is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday, followed at 1:30 p.m. by a mini-paranormal conference featuring UFO and Bigfoot investigators from southwestern Pennsylvania.
Non-UFO events will include a bed race at 4 p.m. Saturday, the annual "Smoke in the Valley" burn-out competition at 6 p.m. Saturday, fireworks at 10 p.m. Saturday, a hay bale toss at 2 p.m. Sunday, and a kids' Pedal Power Tractor Pull at 3 p.m. Sunday.
For more information call 724-423-9540 or visit the Kecksburg Volunteer Fire Department website.
Key player in Rendlesham UFO saga, Colonel Charles Halt, returns to Suffolk to tell story
Colonel Charles Halt will address a conference on the Rendlesham incident
By Tom Potter
A former US airforce commander, described as an “unimpeachable” witness to events known worldwide as the ‘Rendlesham UFO incident’, is returning to Suffolk 35 years on.
Retired Colonel Charles Halt was at the centre of a mystery that unfolded outside RAF Woodbridge over two nights in late December 1980.
Next month he will fly back to Suffolk and address the local public for the first time since it happened.
As deputy commander of the twin bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge, he prepared a memo to the Ministry of Defence describing “unexplained lights”, and recorded what became known as the Halt Tape – a documented investigation in the forest, during which Halt saw mysterious lights like those witnessed by airmen Jim Penniston and John Burroughs two nights earlier.
In 2010, Halt signed an affidavit claiming the encounter was extraterrestrial and had been covered up by the government.
A conference on Saturday, July 11, at Woodbridge Community Hall, has been organised by John Hanson and Dawn Holloway, authors of a series of UFO books entitled Haunted Skies, and by Brenda Butler, a local resident who became embroiled in the Rendlesham incident and will speak on behalf of the British witnesses on the night.
Mr Hanson said: “The Rendlesham incident is undoubtedly one of the most controversial of its kind in history. Everyone involved has their own version of events.
“Charles Halt has never been back to speak locally. He is looking forward to being granted an audience.
“There are some things about the incident we may never know but we hope Colonel Halt will reveal more.”
Nick Pope, who was formerly in charge of the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project, said: “I’ve met Colonel Halt several times. He’s a man of the utmost integrity and is an unimpeachable witness.
“The Rendlesham Forest incident is one of the world’s most compelling UFO sightings and even us sceptics at the MoD failed to come up with any conventional explanation.”
The conference will be preceded by a book fair from 5pm-7pm, including a ‘meet and greet’ with Mr Hanson, Mrs Butler and another guest speaker, David Bryant.
Lionel Beer, of the British UFO Research Association, will complete the line-up, headed by Colonel Halt himself and followed by a question and answer session. Tickets are £20 from Mr Hanson on 0121 445 0340 or at
UFO TV - The Day after UFO Disclosure
By UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network
Full disclosure concerning UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitation remains a Top Secret issue among world governments. However, an un-official soft-sell, media campaign of governmental disclosure is actively conditioning the public to the reality of an Extraterrestrial presence engaging the Human Race. Get the facts in this feature length presentation.
Two new Crop Circles (Pictagrams) Newton Barrow, Stoford, Wiltshire and Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire.
By MrGyro FPV
A beautiful Wiltshire crop circle filmed from an aerial perspective.
This circle was reported on the 16th of June 2015 in Newton Barrow, near Stoford, Wiltshire. A fantastic design quite unlike anything we have seen so far this season.
This circle was reported on the 16th of June 2015 in Stanton St Bernard in Wiltshire.
Dark Side of the Moon: A Review of Oren Peli’s new movie, “Area 51”
By Theron Moore
Written and Directed by Oren Peli
Currently available on most Video on Demand platforms
I don’t think I’m going too far when I boldly assert that the new sci-fi thriller, “Area 51,” has been the most talked about, anticipated UFO genre film since Spielberg made “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” in 1977. And when I heard the film was made found footage style with Oren Peli of “Paranormal Activity” fame writing and directing it, I was honestly over the moon, I couldn’t wait. So the $64,000 question is, did I like it, was it good? The answer: An overwhelming YES, I recommend this movie.
Inside Area 51 we finally see what it looks like. The first floor is office space. Everything else beyond that is industrial & scientific. Lots of concrete, metal piping, gauges, air ducts and vault like rooms. Nothing fancy. It’s sparse, even bleak not to mention huge. It’s located a mile underground with 40+ floors.
Eventually we see a lab chock full of creepy strangeness, a captured UFO and become privy to things we should never be witness to. And that’s where I stop. I won’t go any further because I don’t want to give the movie away. Even if you hate found footage movies give “Area 51” an honest shot. It has some real, genuine tense moments plus Peli’s vision of Area 51 is quite intriguing in and of itself.
The obvious criticism, though, is that it plays out like a video game, like a “first shooter,” but that’s the downside of making a found footage movie — it’s going to have this look and feel since it’s primarily first person perspective that’s driving the flick.
And like most Oren Peli projects “Area 51” takes its time building the plot before we really get into the “meat” of the movie somewhere around the 35-40 minute mark slowly building suspense and tension in the viewer, priming us for whatever horrors might reside inside the non-existent base later on.
I would also expect the UFO crowd to notice that Peli might’ve taken a little artistic leeway combining bits and pieces of possible Dulce myth with Area 51. Not enough to sway the movie one way or another but enough nuance to cue in to it if you know what you’re looking for. To his credit, though, the scene where the kids touch the UFO might be loosely based on David Adair’s experience at Area 51 back in the early 70’s, so kudos to Peli for that great inclusion if indeed he intended to do that.
And we briefly see the aliens, quick shots, that’s it; Peli’s signature technique he developed with his “Paranormal Activity” franchise, showing us only what we need to see and nothing more. I know this bothered many people who were expecting some kind of big CGI reveal but it’s the fleeting glimpse of whatever these creatures are that get inside your head and play mind games with you. It’s not necessarily what you see that frightens you but rather what you don’t see that may be hiding or watching you from afar, that truly terrifies you. Peli has effectively used the power of mystery as a weapon to attack the viewer with.
Reid and Janna
The movie was shot in three distinct acts – Act I: Introduction to the characters. Act II: The build up to Area 51. Act III: Inside Area 51. He also did a fantastic job blending genres with this film effectively making “Area 51” both a horror movie and sci-fi thriller, treading that fine line without going too far in either direction. I use the term “horror movie” in the sense that the actual facility in the film can be thought of as a gigantic haunted house — there’s “something” evil in there, maybe many evil “things;” lurking, waiting. And our protagonists have to enter Area 51, the “haunted house,” complete their mission, confront the evil and live to tell the tale.
The sci-fi thriller aspect of “Area 51” is what drives the movie and triggers the horror component creating suspense, allowing it to build slowly, methodically, upping the scare factor so when we do see the aliens, what little we do see, we’re taken aback, and when we see the UFO or the mad scientist lab we’re properly shocked and amazed.
I’ve read negative reviews of “Area 51” and I think it may have to do with the fact that a lot of moviegoers have been brainwashed by Hollywood and their overuse of CGI special FX. Nowadays movie plots seem secondary to the special effects which more often than not are tasked with telling a story and in some cases, become characters within the film itself. It’s almost like we’ve become so used to the big Hollywood FX that when it comes to this style of film making we instantly go ADHD and hate the film.
Peli makes movies the old fashioned way. He tells stories and he takes time telling you these stories. He builds suspense, hits you with a kidney punch then ends the movie abruptly, not allowing you to process what you’ve seen. He makes you feel uncomfortable and he’s good at it.
From what I was told, there was no script per se, just a treatment. The actors were basically told to improvise their parts with the majority of the movie being shot in one take giving the film that “real time,” quick feel to it, as if it’s happening right here, right now. Peli also included appearances by Glenn Campbell, Norio Hayakawa and George Knapp, well-respected individuals in the UFO community to give the film that extra boost of authenticity, which they did, and very well I might add. Peli did his homework with this film and I commend him for that. It’s always the details that we take notice of.
If you’re looking for fast food movie making with lots of big, loud, flashy CGI and need a UFO fix, watch “Independence Day.” Show Will Smith a little love. If you’re interested in something more, something with teeth and edge, watch “Area 51.” Appreciate it for what it is. It won’t win academy awards but it damn well entertains.
Looking for answers on UFO sightings and alien abductions? Come to Brantford
By Lindsay Fitzgerald
Did you know that in Hamilton alone, there have been more than a dozen reported UFO sightings in the last two years? Did you know that in Canada, there have been 15,000 reported UFO sighting in the last two decades? Did you also know that you can get alien abduction insurance for up to $10 million?
The level of public interest in extraterrestrial existences is growing. Why? Google it: UFO sightings, alien abductions, government conspiracies attempting to hide extraterrestrial life. Is there something out there? Can they save us? Are we alone?
These are all questions that Rob McConnell has been dealing with for 23 years on his radio and television show, the "'X' Zone," a terrestrial radio and satellite programming.
"The interest is getting wider and wider," said McConnell, of Hamilton. "And whenever there is a story, no matter how far out it is, when you keep on peeling the layers of the onion, you're going to get to the truth eventually."
This year, however, McConnell is helping to merge extraterrestrial interest worldwide with the first-everAlien Cosmic Expo 2015,at the Best Western Plus Brant Park Inn and Conference Centre in Brantford.
Leading UFO researchers, authors, and ancient alien experts will be grappling with extraordinary questions June 26 to 28. But people interested in these elements do not have to physically attend the conference.
McConnell, as executive producer of the broadcast for Alien Cosmic Expo 2015, is offering an online pay-per-view live-stream of the entire expo. "I'm looking at a success because this is a worldwide interest, and it's going to bring Brantford and Hamilton to people who have never had the pleasure of bringing people into the community," he said.
One of the speakers at Alien Cosmic Expo 2015 will be former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer, who has alleged the government is hiding UFO data.
Other speakers who have appeared on McConnell's show, Stanton Friedman and Michael Horn, will be discussing flying saucers, science and spiritual teaching.
Tickets for the conference are being sold online.
Laser-armed 'cryobots' may soon be hunting alien life
By Daniel Culpan
A new fleet of robots designed to withstand extreme cold and tunnel through ice may soon be heading to Jupiter's moon Europa, all in an effort to look for extraterrestrial life.
According to Astrobiology Magazine, Texas-based smart mechanics company Stone Aerospace has developed and been testing the Valkyrie (Very deep Autonomous Laser-powered Kilowatt-class Yo-yoing Robotic Ice Explorer): a "cryobot" that could one day be heading to Jupiter's frozen moon.
Valkyrie -- which, despite the name, is no relation to Nasa's very own Valkyrie robot -- uses lasers to tunnel through thick layers of ice. The nifty cryobot successfully completed tests at Alaska's Matanuska glacier last summer, where it's heading again in the next few months. On its latest test run, the Valkyrie will be trialling an instrument that can search for microbes under the glacier surface -- a technology that could be crucial for probing Europa, and other moons in the outer solar system, for signs of life.
Europa has a saltwater ocean buried deep under a crust of ice, which scientists believe could be home to life beyond Earth. The first mission to Europa is set for around 2025, when the Europa Clipper will attempt to venture into the moon's notoriously thin atmosphere. Nasa has already earmarked around $30 million dollars for the development of the project in 2016. However, the Clipper won't actually be able to land on the surface; it will simply be looking for suitable places to land.
Legal implications of an encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence
Should the Allen Telescope Array or another telescope detect an alien signal—or if aliens themselves come to Earth—is the legal system prepared to respond? (credit: SETI Institute)
By Babak Shakouri Hassanabadi
This article scrutinizes the legal issues that may arise after a close contact of human civilization with intelligent extraterrestrials. This includes both legal principles upon which humans can trade and conclude contracts and treaties with friendly extraterrestrials, and also more sophisticated issues such as business and law of war with hostile extraterrestrial invaders have been put on the legal perspective.
Are intelligent extraterrestrials equal to humans in legal rights?
For centuries, humankind has considered itself as the superior form of life, and all other animals and plants as inferior ones subjected to serve their human masters. However, this black-and-white view over the supremacy of humans is changing even before any contact with extraterrestrial, technologically advanced, life forms.
Advances in social psychology and behaviorology studies of a wide range of animals have convinced many scientists that features once thought to be unique to human beings are common among other mammals, birds, and even social insects as well.
Tool-making, logical problem solving, empathy toward others, sense of time and planning, and even sophisticated structured audio communication (language) are recognized by biologists in the behavior of apes, dolphins, elephants, crows, and ants. The legal community has responded to these new scientific understandings proportionally.
In a world first, a court in Argentina issued a historic and unprecedented ruling that favors the rights of an orangutan held in captivity. Sandra the orangutan was granted legal action so she may be transferred to a habitat in keeping with her development. Argentina’s Association of Professional Lawyers for Animal Rights filed a writ of habeas corpus, a resource to avoid arbitrary arrests, on Sandra’s behalf.
In a similar occasion, the legal rights of elephants as sentient animals are being recognized by the entertainment industry. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus recently announced that it plan to stop using the animals by 2018. Growing public concern about how the animals are treated led to the decision. The company’s 43 elephants will live at an animal conservation center in Florida.
These developments with regard to assigning human-like rights for terrestrial nonhuman animals leaves no doubt for inferring that extraterrestrial intelligent life forms, at least in terrestrial legal systems’ point of view, will enjoy rights equal to their human counterparts.
It might be possible that extraterrestrials’ point of view towards us—humans—is very much like that of us concerning “inferior” creatures that either have no rights or, at best, a very slim spectrum of basic rights. However, for the sake of our legal discussion, it is better to limit speculation about aliens’ ideology before actually meeting them.
Friend or foe?
For the moment, let’s disregard the Fermi Paradox and assume that, one way or another, extraterrestrial intelligent life forms are able to to visit us here on Earth and, among other disciplines of human knowledge and civilization, the legal community has been assigned the task of concluding any kind of treaty or agreement with extraterrestrials.
That said, the very first question of law would be to assess whether aliens are friendly or hostile toward human civilization and earthly life form. Are they here to help us or ask for our help? Worse, are they here to conquer our planet and annex it to their intergalactic empire whose existence we were previously completely unaware?
For each of these questions, human legal systems in general— not just space law—have distinct answers and implications.
Which legal system to apply?
For selecting the most convenient legal system to deal with the aliens on Earth, a distinction should be made concerning the choice of law. Are humans randomly encountering extraterrestrials, or we are dealing with accredited political representatives of an alien civilization?
Although it seems very unlikely that technologically advanced aliens would recognize the political boundaries of our nation-states, if a spacecraft with aliens onboard landed anywhere on Earth, and they do not carry any political mission to make contact with humans, legally speaking they would be subject to the territorial jurisdiction in which they have entered unless otherwise collectively agreed upon by the international legal community.
For example, if an extraterrestrial spacecraft enters the territory of the Republic of Ireland, the aliens on board shall be treated with the applicable laws of Ireland, including with regard to safeguarding the asylum rights that Irish law has granted for human beings from other nations. By the same analogy, if aliens land in Russia, the laws of the Russian Federation during their stay within the territory of that country in subject matters such as seeking asylum, making contracts, or any other societal or personal legal issue will be applicable.
The best approach would be to assign the aliens the same legal rights that foreign diplomats enjoy while they are on mission in foreign countries. That is, if extraterrestrials come to Earth in small or large numbers and reside temporarily or permanently, their laws and traditions among themselves should remain out of human legal intervention and judgment. An exception would exclude exercise of certain conducts or behavior that is deemed acceptable among aliens but is gravely unacceptable, harmful, or in contradiction with principle of peaceful coexistence with humans. In order to avoid any cultural misconception among alien newcomers and human host societies, awareness about the concerns and likes of both communities ought to be actively pursued. It might be very fruitful that all legal measures are communicated in advance to avoid misunderstandings that would lead to disastrous outcomes on both sides.
On the other hand, if aliens travel to Earth to conclude any kind of pact, treaty, or agreement on behalf of their civilization with human civilization in general or—very unlikely but not impossible—with single nation-states on Earth, then existing international law shall prevail. In other words, the provisions of Vienna Convention about the law of treaties along with the principles of the charter of United Nations ought to be observed by human signatories of such interplanetary legal document. Here again, the diplomatic rights of the alien negotiating team should be upheld by their human political counterparts.
Who on Earth signs interplanetary pact with extraterrestrials?
The issue of identifying the authority who can represent the human civilization as a whole in running the would-be bilateral negotiations and finalizing a binding legal document on behalf of our civilization with aliens is unclear as of yet, and nothing in international law or space law directly addresses it.
Among nongovernmental institutions, the SETI Institute has carried out a number of activities regarding the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life and, along with their search activities, they have prepared “Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection” concerning activities following the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence.
Although this protocol is not binding for governments, it urges them to join and adopt its provisions. Meanwhile, this protocol contains very insightful clues on how to react to extraterrestrial intelligent life forms, either when we discover unmistakable evidence of their existence through radio signals or if they visit us on Earth.
As with the probable duties of the governments or private entities after detection of extraterrestrial intelligent life forms, paragraph 3 of the protocol reads:
After concluding that the discovery appears to be credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and after informing other parties to this declaration, the discoverer should inform observers throughout the world through the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams of the International Astronomical Union, and should inform the Secretary General of the United Nations in accordance with Article XI of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Bodies. Because of their demonstrated interest in and expertise concerning the question of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer should simultaneously inform the following international institutions of the discovery and should provide them with all pertinent data and recorded information concerning the evidence: the International Telecommunication Union, the Committee on Space Research, of the International Council of Scientific Unions, the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute of Space Law, Commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union and Commission J of the International Radio Science Union.
Referring to the role of Secretary General of the United Nations in accordance with Article XI of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Bodies (better known as the Outer Space Treaty of 1967) is of immense importance for two reasons.
First, the United Nations is the sole international organization that virtually all countries are members of and expressly have recognized its central role in global governance through adopting the principles enshrined in the UN charter and additional legal documents.
For example, in its resolution 65/94 on “The United Nations in global governance,” the General Assembly recognized the need for inclusive, transparent, and effective multilateral systems to better address the urgent global challenges of today and reaffirmed the central role of the United Nations in ongoing efforts to find common solutions to such challenges.
To be certain, any negotiation with extraterrestrial intelligent life forms will be the most urgent global challenge of human history and no institution other than the United Nations (including its specialized organs) is more legitimate and accepted by consensus to take the lead in representing the human civilization.
In any would-be interplanetary legal or political negotiations, involvement of the UN as the leader on humanity’s side may entail the least opposition from member states, although the possibility of opposition cannot be completely ruled out based on the history of the UN in tackling global issues and crises.
Second, the Outer Space Treaty, which is regarded as the backbone of the space law, implicitly recognizes the role of the UN Secretary General as the representative of human civilization in running the talks or concluding legal documents with aliens. Article XI of the Outer Space Treaty reads:
In order to promote international co-operation in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, States Parties to the Treaty conducting activities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, agree to inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations as well as the public and the international scientific community, to the greatest extent feasible and practicable, of the nature, conduct, locations and results of such activities. On receiving the said information, the Secretary-General of the United Nations should be prepared to disseminate it immediately and effectively.
If we consider contact with extraterrestrials as an activity committed by nations who are signatories to the Outer Space Treaty, then the obligation of informing the UN Secretary General for disseminating the data and adopting immediate and effective measures becomes obvious.
SETI’s post-detection protocol does contain an additional noteworthy provision that sheds more light on how a collective legal action should be taken as to contact (or deal) with extraterrestrials. Paragraph 8 of the said protocol states:
No response to a signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence should be sent until appropriate international consultations have taken place. The procedures for such consultations will be the subject of a separate agreement, declaration or arrangement.
This provision expressly prohibits countries from contacting aliens unilaterally or secretly without international consultations, which is an implicit reaffirmation of the leading role of United Nations in general and the secretary general in particular in handling the contacts.
Of these, we can conclude that from the point of view of international law that the UN Secretary General is the best candidate to sit at the negotiation table with extraterrestrial intelligent life forms if we meet them here on our planet. However, along with legal issues, there might be a tremendous amount of scientific and technical issues that require the assistance of either UN specialized organs like Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) or non-UN institutions such as the SETI Institute or universities. In either case, outsourcing any part of the negotiation will be within the discretion of the secretary general of the United Nations.
Law of war with extraterrestrials
In the event that technologically advanced aliens are hostile and come to Earth as invaders, the incurred devastation and causalities in clash of the civilizations would be unimaginable.
During any armed conflict with aliens, there is no ethical justification on humanity’s part to disregard the rights of vulnerable aliens, including prisoners of war, wounded fighters, or civilians. That is to say, the principles of the Geneva Convention and its additional protocols on the treatment of civilians, prisoners of war, and soldiers who are otherwise rendered hors de combat, or incapable of fighting, should apply for aliens equally and without discrimination as well.
What is more, conducting life threatening or physically disabling experiments to examine the biology of extraterrestrial captives ought to be banned via consecutive legislation soon after alien invasion is launched. Such attitudes discussed here conform to Kantian ethics, which argues that for an action to be permissible, it must be possible to apply it to all people without a contradiction occurring. The reason for observing moral law amidst the war with superior alien invaders could be to persuade them to act similarly with human prisoners and civilians based on the reciprocity of social behavior.
Business law
The advancement of technology is the result of societal exchanges for overcoming problems and satisfying needs. Hence the notion of exchange of commodities won’t be unfamiliar for aliens who are so ahead of humans in technology that that they may have traveled faster the speed of light to visit us.
In concluding business contracts with extraterrestrials, the scope of good faith in making a binding and enforceable promise to commit or omit any action, or provide any commodity or raw material in exchange of mutually accepted consideration, is the most important legal issue.
As discussed above, reaching some kind of mutual agreement between us and carbon-based extraterrestrial intelligent life forms shouldn’t be a hurdle. However, finding a common legal and comprehendible, and at the same time feasible, conceptual ground with silicon- or ammonia-based alien life forms would be a harder task to tackle. What may be vital for us is lethal to them and vice versa. Perhaps it become clear that what is non-hazardous for both sides is of no commercial value for either party, and doing business will thus have to become more sophisticated.
Therefore, finding a common commercial base for doing business with intelligent aliens seems to be more important than insisting on simple and possibly primitive legal doctrines and concepts of our civilization, all of which might be replaced by better and more practical alien legal doctrines once we hear about them. In any case, doing business and making commercial partnerships with extraterrestrial lifeforms is the best way to avoid animosity and its unwanted consequences, and this crucial task would be on insightful legal scholars first and foremost to fulfill.
The function of laws is defined to be the means by which proper function of social order within the course of time for any give nation or society is ensured and preserved. In the history of humankind, whenever laws became irrelevant or impractical, a wide range of changes occurred that dramatically altered the social structure of the related societies, either for sake of good or evil. Revolutions, riots, downfall of empires and civil wars all in all are direct outcomes of situations in which laws cease to be relevant to the actual lives of the citizens.
Any encounter with an extraterrestrial intelligence certainly will be a turning point for human civilization. No matter what the results of such encounter would be, the legal community, as well as scientists of various disciplines, may have a lot to learn from our cosmic neighbors for the betterment of our lives here on Earth. Learning from aliens regarding how to form a more integrated and fair society, or to avoid their destructive mistakes or misconducts, would be the most precious takeaway that legal scholars could use to tune human laws accordingly in the future.
“Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection”
UFOs Being Spotted More Often at Sporting Events
By Paul Seaburn
It happened again. Spectators at a soccer match in Chile last week saw a UFO flying over the stadium during the opening fireworks display. This comes just weeks after a UFO was seen hovering over a professional golf tournament in the U.S. and continues a pattern of UFOs visiting sporting events with the frequency once reserved for volcanoes and nuclear plants. What could be the reason?
Fans of Chile’s national soccer team La Roja (The Red One) were at the National Stadium watching the opening ceremonies of the 2015 Copa America (South American Football Championship) when the UFO appeared and positioned itself for three minutes to watch the fireworks. It’s unclear who the UFO was rooting for since it left before La Roja defeated Ecuador. There was no official comment on what the UFO was and no one left their seats.
This sports sighting occurred just a month after a UFO was spotted over The Players Championship golf tournament held in Florida on May 9. A TV viewer spotted the UFO during the tracking of a player’s shot. The shiny UFO left quickly, possibly to find which hole Rory McIlroy was on. No one, including the crew of the ubiquitous golf tournament blimp, had any explanation for the UFO.
Do the UFOs and their crews prefer soccer over other sports? Here’s one at a soccer match in China in 2011.
Perhaps they just like the pageantry of opening ceremonies. This UFO was spotted at the opening of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
UFO seen over 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremonies
Of course, when you bring up UFOs at sporting events, skeptics point to the one seen at a Vancouver Canadians baseball game in 2013.
That one turned out to be a tricked-out drone. They should have known better – not even Canadians watch Canadian baseball games.
Why are UFOs being seen at sporting events? They can’t all be drones or blimps. Are aliens into sports too? Gambling on the games? Too cheap to purchase tickets? Planning to enter a team in the World Cup? Or Mr. Universe?
Monday, 15 June 2015
Mac's UFO News - UFO News For The Planet With A Global Reach
By Mac
Mac's UFO News has registered visits from 178 countries, had over 117,000 visitors and over 350,000 page views! On Google + over 1,781,000 views. Would you like your video, group or event to be included?
The Mac's UFO News Blog has a sister site just for this scenario and any other submissions you care to make: The Mac's UFO News Forums
1. Add your UFO / CE5 / Contact Group Here (Open To Guests):
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There are some basic rules included within the links aswell as a quick How To guide to aid you in posting.
Please understand that not all posts will make it to the monthly webcast.
The Scottish UFO & Paranormal Conference 2015
By Malcolm Robinson
The Scottish UFO & Paranormal Conference
Pleasance Theatre, Pleasance Courtyard, 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh, EH8 9TJ
June 20th 2015.
10:00am till 8:00pm.
(Doors Open 09:15am)
Sponsored by Phenomena Magazine.
10:00 - 10:10am Compère Conference Introduction. (Councillor Billy Buchanan)
10:10 - 11:10am Brian Allan. ‘Truth Lies and UFOlogy’.
Brian Allan has written twelve books dealing with various aspects of the paranormal, magick, the occult and UFOlogy and has also produced scripts for several TV documentary programmes and has acted as a consultant for many more. Brian is still a dedicated and active ‘hands on’ paranormal and UFO investigator and is a former editor of Paranormal Magazine and is currently the editor of Phenomena Magazine. He has made a study of certain esoteric aspects relating to Rosslyn Chapel and made his own contribution to the lore surrounding this unique building; he is also noted as the discoverer of the remarkable and mind-altering ‘Rosslyn Frequency’.
However, in this presentation Brian changes tack slightly and casts an eye over the way in which, since the late 1940’s, various, mainly western intelligence agencies, have ruthlessly and cynically exploited the subject of UFOlogy for their own dark ends, sometimes to the detriment of the public, but almost invariably to provide an effective cover for cutting edge developments in a range of military and civilian aero-space programmes. Although absolutely convinced that we are regularly contacted and visited by non-human beings and entities that do not originate in our version of reality, Brian will present startling evidence (most of it new) to back up what he says, so what you hear (and see) in this presentation may give you cause to reconsider what you thought were unassailable icons from the early days of UFOlogy and see them in a very different light indeed.
(5 minute break/questions)
11:15 - 12:15pm Nick Kyle. ‘The Scole Experiments - A Participant’s Account’
The Scole Experiments, one of the most impressive examples of physical mediumship and afterlife communication, took place in an old house in Norfolk over 500 sittings during the 1990s. These séances provided photographic and video evidence, spirit materialisations, apports, levitation and orbs moving in and through the bodies of participants. Nick Kyle, with four companions, witnessed the impossible twice at Scole and these experiences have changed his life. Consider the breath-taking evidence and get an update on what has been happening since, much closer to home. Nick Kyle is the President of Scottish Society for Psychical Research (SSPR)
(15 minute break/questions)
12:15 - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00 - 2:00pm Ron Halliday. ‘UFOs Past & Present, Blue Men, Fairy Abductions And More’.
The question of what ‘Unidentified Flying Objects’ are is clearly a fundamental one and a matter on which there are many differing views. Are we being visited by alien beings from a distant planet? Are sightings of ‘flying saucers’ a glimpse into events in another dimension or parallel universe? Or are they no more than figments of the collective imagination? I intend to look at reported strange events from the past which I believe shed some light on the UFO phenomenon. Maybe we can we learn from the experience of our ancestors. My presentation will cover aspects of the UFO phenomenon that have always fascinated me. The link between UFOs and past (and current) Scottish folk legends. I will look at such issues as ‘blue men’, strange objects, for example, balls of lights sighted in lochs over the centuries, ‘birdmen’, fairy abductions, phantoms in all their various forms and evidence that ‘ancient astronauts’ visited Scotland. Does the modern sightings of UFOs, comprise, as some suggest, no more than a 21st century update of ancient legends? Or a phenomenon that stretches back in time – one with a common ancestry – the ramifications of which we have really only recently begun to understand.
(15 minute break/questions)
2:15 - 3:15pm Alyson Dunlop ‘Communicating with Aliens’ (Or Phoning E.T.)
Alyson Dunlop is a paranormal and UFO investigator with SPI Scotland. She currently hosts her own show, The EDX-Files (East Dunbartonshire Radio), which deals with the subject of the strange and mysterious. Alyson has also studied ancient religions and magic at the University of Glasgow, where she graduated in classics. She is a healer, shaman and mystic, who founded the original Glasgow University Pagan Society and Scotwitch E-group, later Pagans of Scotland and Scotwitch.
As a classicist, Alyson has written books and adapted a couple of ancient texts for stage. As a writer, she explores sci-fi, fantasy and horror, as well as having a column with Phenomena Magazine. As a hypnotherapist, she specialises in fears and phobias, believing fear can be a feeding source for negative energies, as well as a block to our spiritual progression.
Alyson's interest in the paranormal began at an early age, and she has had many strange experiences throughout her life. In fact, she has been described as a Profound Human Experiencer because her encounters with the paranormal appear to be across the board: incubus attack, astral projection, The Hat Man, The Shrouded Figure, a Shadow Person, Shadow Spiders, precognitive visions, an angel, clairvoyance and healing gifts, and most recently telepathic communication with what may have been benevolent inter-dimensional beings. Alyson believes we do not have to fear alien entities, that there is a better way forward, and that we can experience communication with beings who wish to help and heal us. If we are open to it, Alyson will explain what to do if you want to phone E.T.! She will discuss ancient shamanic wisdom and methods for communicating with other occupants of the universe, showing that it is possible for us to interact and receive their knowledge and wisdom. They gave Alyson a message and she would like to share it with you!
Alyson Dunlop MA (Hons), DipCBH
Writer & Hypnotherapist
(15 minute break/questions)
3:30 - 4:15pm Ewan Irvine. ‘Are We All Psychic’?
Ewan Irvine is a Clairvoyant Medium working in the UK and Ireland. As a child, Ewan experienced many strange happenings that could not be explained logically. It was only at the age of 19 that he began to realise that he had the ability of mediumship. Having developed these abilities with Portobello Spiritualist Church in Edinburgh, he became a regular demonstrator of mediumship within the UK. In 2008 Ewan won the UK's Spiritual Connextions Open Platform Award.
He has also worked with the paranormal and has used his mediumship in both private and public locations. These have included Mary King’s Close, Edinburgh’s Ragged School, Edinburgh Vaults, Scooner Hotel Newcastle Keep and many more. Ewan has also appeared in a number of TV productions including Most Haunted Live and ITV’s Tough Gig. Articles have also included Edinburgh Evening News, Scotland Today, Psychic News and BBC Radio Scotland. Ewan will speak about the mechanics of psychic ability and mediumship, and how it is used in everyday life as well as giving proof of the afterlife. Many people have that feeling of a sixth sense, or a foretelling that something is about to happen. Is this the psychic? where does it come from? And how do we fine tune it? Ewan will bring these together with examples of his own life's journey within the psychic and mediumship field, one that came about accidentally but quickly became a way of life. Ewan will also explore the question, Are we all psychic!
(15 minute break/questions)
4:30 - 5:30pm Peter McCue. ‘Dangerous Encounters and Dangerous Involvement’
Peter McCue is a former clinical psychologist. He has a Ph.D., from the University of Glasgow, awarded for a thesis on hypnosis. His interest in anomalous phenomena goes back decades, and he’s written numerous articles on these subjects. Peter is the author of a book, published in 2012, entitled Zones of Strangeness: An Examination of Paranormal and UFO Hot Spots. He believes that paranormal phenomena occur, and that many UFO experiences are genuinely anomalous. He contends that if we want to obtain a comprehensive understanding of ourselves and the nature of reality, these enigmatic phenomena can’t be ignored.
Some people believe that UFOs are spaceships, operated by extraterrestrials with a friendly disposition towards the human race. However, UFO encounters, whatever their nature, may result in injury or death. In some instances, this may be purely accidental. But other cases suggest deliberate targeting. The late Bob Pratt cites many such cases, from Brazil, in his 1996 book ‘UFO Danger Zone’. There are also accounts of pilots and their planes vanishing after UFO sightings. In October 1978, Frederick Valentich disappeared after reporting, by radio, the close proximity of a UFO while he was flying over the Bass Strait, near the Australian mainland. In June 1980, a small plane disappeared on a flight from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico. A pilot and student pilot were on board. The pilot started sending ‘Mayday’ calls, which weren’t received by the control facility at San Juan International Airport, Puerto Rico. But a Madrid-bound airliner acted as a link with San Juan. The transmissions from the stricken plane indicated that its occupants were lost, and that a strange object was making them lose course. After about three minutes, there were no further radio communications from the small plane. Subsequent attempts to locate it were unsuccessful.
According to conspiracy theories, there’s a widespread cover-up of the UFO phenomenon, and being a researcher in this area, or being privy to sensitive information about it, can put one at risk of being silenced or eliminated by officialdom. It’s been suggested, for instance, that one of the reasons for the JFK assassination was a fear, on the part of some, that Kennedy was going to reveal the truth about the UFO phenomenon to the US public.
UFOs can also be a threat to non-human animals. For example, strange lights or UFOs have sometimes been spotted around the time of cattle mutilations, providing fodder for the theory of alien involvement. But other cases are suggestive of human agency. For instance, mutilated animals have been found with gunshot wounds; and on many occasions, helicopters have been seen around the time of mutilations. However, if there’s a paranormal aspect to some cases of animal mutilation, it’s possible that witnesses’ perceptions have been manipulated, and that the craft haven’t been real helicopters.
(15 minute break/questions)
5:45 - 6:45pm James Welsh. ‘Exposing a UFO Cover-Up’
James Welsh is the author of Corroborating Evidence the UFO investigation of the millennium. Born and raised in Glasgow, James is a multiple event UFO eyewitness who experienced an intense series of UFO encounters during December 1999. After submitting an official UFO report to Glasgow ATC on December 15th 1999, he later received a written response from the British Ministry of Defence dismissing his report. After making further enquiries he was informed that there was ‘no corroborating evidence’ to suggest the airspace had been breached. This reply was highly inaccurate as he had personally observed RAF Tornado jets in pursuit of these UFOs, both before and after the official report was submitted. So stories of a UFO cover-up just got personal. In 2001 he contacted UFO researchers Graham Birdsall and Ron Halliday and was instructed to get a written account down on paper. It was just the first small step of a very long journey. After setting up a meeting with all of the other eyewitnesses to his sightings and Ron Halliday in February 2002 James asked for Ron’s advice on what to do next. Ron’s advice was clean cut. Keep researching and keep writing. After a decade of intensive research, on August 31ST 2012 he personally went on to make an incredible series of discoveries while looking into the STS103 Hubble mission photographs which were taken during the redeployment of the space telescope on December 25th 1999. What he discovered cannot be easily dismissed as ‘ice crystals’ of ‘space debris’ and leaves NASA with a lot of explaining to do. James will be presenting Corroborating Evidence the UFO investigation of the millennium and his talk will be entitled Exposing a UFO cover-up.
(15 minute break/questions)
7:00 - 8:00pm Malcolm Robinson & Alien Bill ‘9-11, An Inside Job’? 10 Of the Best Ghost Photographs & Alien Bill’s Orbs and Fairy Photograph’
Strange Phenomena Investigations founder Malcolm Robinson kicks off this double bill by discussing the inconsistencies with the evidence surrounding one of the world’s worst ever tragedies, 9-11. Malcolm asks was 9-11 an inside job conducted and orchestrated by the American Government as an excuse to fight terrorism throughout the world whilst killing its own citizens to allow them an excuse to do so? Malcolm will discuss but some of these inconsistencies. After this Malcolm will show 10 of what he considers to be the best ghost photographs ever. Next up on this double bill is Alien Bill Rooke who will show some of his astounding orb photographs followed by his world shattering photograph of what he believes to be a real fairy and the equally astounding statements from some professors who viewed this photo from around the United Kingdom.
8:00 - 8:10pm Close of conference vote of thanks from compere to speakers etc.
The organisers will try to ensure that the conference will finish on time but can’t guarantee that there won’t be a slight time difference owing to speaker’s running over their time.
Tickets priced at £10 for the full day are available from these sellers.
Malcolm Robinson (speaker and organiser) Tel: 07949 178 835 (English Seller)
Ron Halliday: (speaker and organiser) Tel: 07512 743751. (Stirling Central Scotland Seller)
Alyson Dunlop: (speaker and organiser) Tel: 07852 575184 (Glasgow Central Scotland Seller)
Or tickets available at the door on the day.
About the Pleasance Theatre Edinburgh
Address: Pleasance Courtyard, 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH8 9TJ
Phone: 0131 556 6550
The Pleasance hosts a full, year-round programme of incredible live music, comedy, theatre and film, open to everyone (but with great student discounts!)
Last October, The Pleasance Sessions brought together some of Scotland’s favourite promoters, boutique festivals and respected publications to lay on three weeks of handpicked live acts in the unique setting of The Pleasance Theatre.
Everybody knows that the Pleasance is one of the best loved Fringe venues with audiences flocking to the famous courtyard every year. Not everybody knows that outwith the month of August there is a strong and exciting year round program of events on offer.
Cabaret Bar
Capacity 175, disabled access
This versatile bar is used for more events than you could shake a stick at. This large space hosts regular comedy nights, acoustic sessions, theatre and dance as well as our ever popular pleasance pub quiz. It is situated to the rear of the courtyard past the Pleasance Bar.
Pleasance Bar
disabled access
A popular hangout for student sports teams and societies, the Pleasance Bar has a lively atmosphere and serves a decent pint. The Pleasance bar opens into the Cabaret Bar on larger events. It is situated on the left as you enter the courtyard.
Pleasance Theatre
Capacity 300, disabled access
The Theatre, located on the first floor hosts regular theatre and dance performances as well as comedy and opera. This fully seated room is the perfect venue for large production stage shows.
Giant UFOs in World War Two
By Nick Redfern
Most people with an interest in the UFO phenomenon will be familiar with the so-called “Foo Fighters” of the Second World War. They were those perplexing, fiery balls of light that time and again plagued and puzzled military pilots. Theories for what the Foo Fighters might have been range from natural phenomena of a poorly understood nature to alien probes, and from Nazi secret weapons to equally secret devices of the Allies.
While the stories of the Foo Fighters are well known within the domain of Ufology, less well known are the accounts of the other UFOs of the Second World War. In these cases, we’re not talking about small balls of light causing concern and chaos for pilots.
Foo Fighters
No, we’re talking about absolutely massive UFOs – not unlike those of later years that became known as “Mother-Ships.”
One classic, stand out case dates back to 1942, the details of which were recorded officially by the British military. Documentation of December 2, 1942 tells the story – under the heading of “Report by the Crew of 61 Sqdn. A/c ‘J,’ Captain W/O Lever, of object seen during raid on TURIN, night of November 28/29th, 1942.”
Bomber Command was told: “Herewith a copy of a report received from a crew of a Lancaster after a raid on Turin. The crew refuses to be shaken in their story in the face of the usual banter and ridicule.”
With that all said, let’s now take a look at the report itself. It reads as follows (QUOTE):
“The object referred to above was seen by the entire crew of the above aircraft. They believe it to have been 200-300 feet in length and its width is estimated at 1/5th or 1/6th of its length. The speed was estimated at 500 m.p.h., and it had four pairs of red lights spaced at equal distances along its body. These lights did not appear in any way like exhaust flames; no trace was seen. The object kept a level course.
“The crew saw the object twice during the raid, and brief details are given below:
“(i) After bombing, time 2240 hours, a/c height 11,000 feet. The aircraft at this time was some 10/15 miles south-west of Turin traveling in a north-westerly direction. The object was traveling south-east at the same height or slightly below the aircraft.
“(ii) After bombing, time 2245 hours, a/c height 14,000 feet. The aircraft was approaching the Alps when the object was seen again traveling west-south-west up a valley in the Alps below the level of the peaks. The lights appeared to go out and the object disappeared from view.
Very few people will need to be told that neither the Allies nor the Axis powers were building, or deploying, vehicles that were close to 300 feet in length and which had the ability to fly at around 500 miles per hour and across the skies of war-torn Europe. Indeed, today’s Boeing 747-400 “Jumbo Jet” is only 231 feet and 10 inches long.
More than seventy years have now passed since this very curious saga unfolded. It is, therefore, highly unlikely we’ll ever know for sure what the crew of 61 Squadron encountered on that fateful night they bombed Turin. All we can say for sure is that something of immense size and high-speed was cruising around the skies of Europe in the early 1940s. No way it was ours.
UFO over Hermosillo Sonora
Published on 10 Jun 2015 By Monica
Esto ocurrió el día de hoy 10 de Junio de 2015 a las 7:20 pm por el vado del río a la altura de Villa Bonita, se puede apreciar lo que aparenta ser un objeto volador no identificado que se pasea por el cielo hermosillense.
Google translate:
This happened today June 10, 2015 at 7:20 pm at the ford of the river up to Villa Bonita, you can see what appears to be an unidentified flying object that wanders through the sky Hermosillo.
Stephen Bassett - Deception, Denial and Disclosure
Published on 13 May 2015
For the past ten years a growing political movement has targeted the politics of UFOs/disclosure. All levels of the media have received extensive materials on the subject. Former members of the U.S. military, astronauts and many government employees have been speaking privately and publicly in unambiguous terms regarding the extraterrestrial presence and a government cover-up. Each day the UFO/ET cover-up continues and each new revelation of abuse of power by this or that government agency further erodes the fundamental trust the American people hold in their government – and benchmarks for trust in government are at all time lows. If you truly wish to unite the country and begin an era of cooperation, you must engage an issue of transcendent importance.
ALIEN COSMIC EXPO: Conference unites those who think outside the box
By Heather Ibbotson
If you are interested in UFO research, alien encounters, crop circles or astral travel, the three-day Alien Cosmic Expo to be held in Brantford from June 26 to 28 will be the place to be.
The first-time event will bring a who's who of acclaimed international researchers of UFO and related phenomenon, as well as a host of fascinating vendors, to the Best Western Brant Park Inn on Holiday Drive.
Renowned UFO researcher and nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer and Jason Martell of the History Channel's Ancient Aliens program are among 24 guest speakers who will deliver lectures over the three days.
Others guests include Colorado-based crop circle researcher Patty Greer and Brantford's own Bob Mitchell, who will speak about alien encounters.
Stu Bundy from MUFON will also share the stage with researcher Luigi Venditelli and Emily Trim, who will speak of her multiple-witness, childhood close encounter at a school in Zimbabwe.
Ticket prices for the event range from $25 to $35 for single lectures (available online and at the door) to single-day tickets at $125 to a full three-day pass for $298.
Admission is free to the exhibitor's hall -- throughout the three-day event -- where visitors not attending lectures can browse among a host of mediums, aura photographers and alternative health practitioners, as well as meet event experts, each of whom will have a table in the hall.
Visitors can also mingle with the speakers during the free breakfast on Friday, June 26, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Seats for the breakfast must be reserved online in advance and a donation to the food bank is recommended on arrival.
With international experts from the world of extraterrestrials, out-of-body experiences, alien encounters, past-life regression, soul readings, psychic mediums and more, the event promises to be one of the largest events of its kind in Canada this year, organizers say.
"ACE is a conference of scientific study of extraterrestrial life and occurrences," said event spokesperson Jo-Anne Eadie.
"We wanted to create an event with professionalism, credibility and integrity," she said.
Eadie said the guest experts will speak on a wide variety of topics from alien abduction to crop circles to past lives, psychic readings and ancient Egyptian connections to other worldly beings.
"We've gathered them together for one weekend with some spectacular vendors on display," she said.
"ACE is devoted to uniting individuals who think outside of the box and see what others deem impossible."
At a Glance
What: Alien Cosmic Expo
When: Friday, June 26 through Sunday, June 28
Where: Best Western Brant Park Inn, 19 Holiday Drive
Ticket prices range from $25/$35 for single lectures to $298 for a full three-day pass.
Free admission to the exhibition hall, throughout the event, featuring vendors including mediums, channelers and alternative health practitioners.
Visit for complete event information, including lecture topics, speaker biographies, times and ticket prices.
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