Tuesday 8 May 2012

Ufo Triangle Over France (Video)

Published on 7 May 2012 by

"FO Ovni Hovering Bordeaux,Place de la Victoire,le 6 Mai/MAY 6 2012

Hello. US,Elyansun & Valérie.L, want to report what we saw.We Swear on our Honnor that these videos are genuine, so is too our testimony !

We were standing my mate and me surrounded by about 20 policemen, when the one with we talked with said " What is this in the sky". At his words we looked up our eyes to the sky and saw what You can see on these videos. We took the phenomenon on tape with 2 differents cellulars and with 2 slightly different Angles. During this observation we were surrounded by about twelve policemen, No Joke!!!

- Temoignage et Images - Elyansun et Valérie.L . "Il était 23:39 pm sur la Place de la victoire Samedi 6 May . Nous discutions avec un Crs de 45 ans que l'on entend sur la Video , soudain il nous dit " Mais c'est quoi ...!? ". Nous nous retournons et nous voici tout 3 en train d'observer ce phénomene..." Nous étions alors entourés par une vingtaines de fonctionnaires de Police !"