Thursday, 26 September 2013

Saucer shaped UFO over Penna Bridge close to MG at Avenida Beira Rio ?

Published on 19 Sep 2013 By MrVideoGamesBrasil
Ontem a noite recebemos de um cinegrafista amador (que segundo o mesmo, quer ficar no anonimato) este vídeo de um OVNI pairando por Araporã-MG próximo à Ponte Affonso Penna. O vídeo foi registrado na manhã de ontem (18/09) na Av Beira Rio. Imagens parecem reais, será?? o_O

Bing translation:
Last night we received from an amateur cameraman (which according to the same, wants to stay anonymous) this video of a UFO hovering for Araporã-Affonso Penna Bridge close to MG. the video was recorded on the morning of yesterday (18/09) at Avenida Beira Rio. Images seem real, will be?? o_O 

Disclosure Project - Full version with additions

Uploaded on 27 May 2011 By PGComet
This comes from the (Disclosure Project) press release on May 9th 2001. I have added a few additions that I consider important.
I don't usually put controversial videos on my entertainment channel but I feel this is too important to ignore and since my conspiracy channels are being censored I will put it here.

Extraterrestrial Life - Do You Believe?

Published on 25 Sep 2013 By openmindstv
Troy Mathew from the start up company "Survata" conducted a survey on the "belief in extraterrestrial life". From September 16th - 18th 2013 they interviewed 5,886 online respondents from varying backgrounds and beliefs. In this interview Alejandro Rojas talks with Troy about the survey and the results and the reason form conducting such a poll.

UFOs at night over Wittenberge, Germany ?

Published on 19 Sep 2013 By UFOFilesTV
These objects were sighted east of Wittenberg, Germany. It was filmed in full zoom and night sight modus. The filmer cannot explain this. He watched these UFOs ca. 3 minutes before he got his camera. We at the UFOFilesTV know these forms or rather these lights of older sightings in Belgium. These UFOs are also known as TR-A or TR3-B. Apperently they originate from the US Air Force but nobody could verify this so far.